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Mens Mixer Wednesday January 11, 2017

ElTigre Golfers,

The game for this Wednesday will be a 4 man team net score format where 1 net score is recorded on the Par 3’s, 2 net scores on the Par 4’s, and 3 net scores on the Par 5’s. Markus Gmelin will be kindly accepting your $50 peso contributions this week. Thank you Markus.

Thanks to all the golfers that are using the eltigreleagues website to sign up for events and to delete events that they had previously signed up for. A small amount of mental effort is required anytime between Wednesday golf and the following Tuesday at 12PM (noon) to ensure you have or have not signed up for golf. REMEMBER, THAT IF YOU DO NOT CLICK THE SAVE BUTTON AND RECEIVE A POP UP THAT CONFIRMS YOU HAVE SAVED THE MONTH…..THEN YOU HAVE NOT SAVED ANYTHING. I can not make it any clearer or simpler than what is written above, and if you follow the rules of the system, Wednesday mornings will be joyful occasion.

Thanks to all golfers for filling in divots and repairing ball marks on the greens. Please see the latest hdcp sheet attached.


Don and MylesHandicap Scores (36)

© 2016 El Tigre Leagues