The El Tigre Ladies League was created some years ago as an avenue to meet new golf members. The league gathered weekly to play the game, socialize and form new and lasting friendships. However, over the last year, the number of ladies participating has declined significantly. And as all of you know, the club is very busy with golfers that are vacationing in this area, and while we may be members, we are not member owners. This could affect the number of spots we have on a weekly basis. With that in mind, if the league is to continue and grow, you may wish to reconsider your participation. Failure to do so could result in the number of spots being limited. It’s your league and I hope you will continue to support it. Thank you
© 2016 El Tigre Leagues
Hi Rosalie, I heard the ladies league was struggling with membership. Last Friday was my first day back in over a year (various reasons) it was nice to see old and meet new members of the club. And we had 15 members compared to just 8 the weeks before. So hopefully some of the ladies are making their way back. I have committed to Ladies league from now till the end of the season in April. Thank you for taking the reins and I am there to help where needed. Leanne
Hi Ladies,
I have never played with you all before but just added my name for Friday for the first time. I know many of you and think you are great. Please be kind to a newbie, I am a 35 handicap. Looking forward to joining you.
Hola Rosalie, the women league is a really good place to integration and meet peoples. We had a lot a fun with the group and with games. Since 2 years the covid change a lot of things, including the recommendation “avoid too much different contacts”. For me, this is very important. BUT, I still believe that the participation to the games, the skills etc…..could be voluntary and I really don’t want to play before 9:30….I still prefer to play at 10. I know it could be difficult to organise something when it’s a volontariat participation. Why could we play only for the social and let each foursome organize their game…
Sorry to hear about the participation level. I’ve spent 7 to 8 weeks there but due to covid we haven’t been able to come down for 2 years. I imagine this is also impacting the numbers. My husband and I have played on the couples league once and had hoped to participate more. Maybe next year.
Sad to hear Rosalie, but so very true…for various reasons women have chosen to stop playing with the group on Fridays and you are correct in saying this group is really on life support right now. Unfortunately, I have been injured for the past three weeks and unable to join the group but hoping to be back in the next few weeks. When we moved to El Tigre, the golf leagues were our main source of meeting new people and I am forever grateful for that. The pandemic has been challenging for all of us on so many levels. But the one overriding thing is has taught me is the importance of really good people in my life! I have met so many wonderful women in the Friday league play who I call good friends now. I have also met some crazy chicks too but that is the fun of it…!! With Covid people are also less tolerant of others which is very tragic. So I am asking folks to reconsider and remember how many good people you have met through the ladies league and come back and play with them once a week. You can play with your friends six other days of the week…Somthing to consider…Mary-Lou Plant