This weeks’ game is a 4-LADY TEAM SCRAMBLE with ONE ONLY Gross Best Ball Score per Hole per team. Please provide a team summary gross score for the front 9 & back 9 & a team summary score for all 18-holes. Game is $100 pesos. Correct change is greatly appreciated. A Rules Sheet will be provided on the day explaining rules & handicap for this game.
Our resident Pro, Hector Rodriguez has again agreed to provide a weekly golf tip to those who would like to try & improve their game. Hector will be providing his weekly golf tip at 8:40 a.m. Immediately following this, you will be advised of your cart mates & your starting hole number & any other information deemed necessary. Shotgun Start @ 9:00 a.m. sharp & we wait for no one.
If you wish to play, please be sure to UPDATE your calendar & “SAVE” any changes BEFORE Thursday, November 9th @ 3:00 p.m. This is the cut-off period & NO changes will be permitted after this time. And off course, should you choose not play & have registered in the past for the date specified above, again PLEASE CANCEL to update your calendar & “SAVE” the changes before Thursdays’ deadline. This will greatly assist those of us who organize the weekly games.
Also, there are changes this year & several new things taking place & all will be explained after Fridays’ game while determining the weekly winners in the clubhouse. Hope to see you there…
Rosalie Barnes