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Monthly Archives: November 2023 - 2. page

Ladies League – Friday, November 24, 2023

This weeks’ format will be 2-LADY BEST BALL team game.  All teams will need to record only one best ball net score on all holes.   Please provide gross & net scores for all players on your team & also provide team summary scores for the front & back 9 & total 18-hole score.  Please circle all Birdies & Deuces (2’s) on your scorecards.  The cost is $100 pesos including Skills. Correct change is always greatly appreciated.

For those who would like to try & improve their game, Hector will be providing his weekly golf tip at 8:40 a.m. This will be followed by the names of your cart mates & your starting hole number & any other information deemed necessary.  Shotgun start @ 9:00 a.m. sharp & WE WAIT FOR NO ONE.

We are expecting a large number of players & it would be greatly appreciated if everyone would please make every effort to arrive at least 30 minutes before the start time & please pay your registration fee immediately upon arrival prior to finding your carts & readying yourself for the game.  We are expected to be on our starting holes at 8:55 a.m.

If you wish to play, please make sure to update your calendar & “SAVE” the changes BEFORE Thursday, November 23rd @ 2:00 p.m.  This is the cut-off period & no changes will be permitted after this time.  And off course, should you choose not play and have registered in the past for the date specified above, again please CANCEL your calendar and “SAVE” the changes before Thursdays’ deadline.  This will greatly assist those of us who organize the weekly games.

Remember ladies, ANY changes that you make to your “CALENDAR” must be saved, otherwise they are lost.

Thank You

Rosalie Barnes

Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, November 22nd, 2023

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

This Wednesday we will be playing a four-person game requiring different scores for Par 3’s, Par 4’s and Par 5’s. All teams will need to record only one best ball score on all Par 5’s, two best ball scores on all Par 4’s and, three best ball scores on all Par 3’s. Please provide gross and net scores for all players on your team and also provide team summary scores for the front nine, the back nine and the total 18-hole score. Also, please circle all gross deuces (2’s) on your scorecard and remember to repair all divots and rake out any bunkers.

As has been a long-standing tradition we will also be taking up a Christmas Holiday fund raising collection to for the benefit of the El Tigre golf staff. All donations are greatly appreciated!

Per previous discussions, please note that will we be starting our weekly Wednesday Men’s League golf events promptly at 8:50 AM, so please plan on getting to the golf course early enough to allow yourself sufficient time to complete your practice/warm up by that time.

Good luck to all players!


Sunday November 19th

Hola todos,

This week’s format is very simple.  We’ll count 2 low net scores per hole for the foursome.

Shut gun is at ten and the cost is a 100 pesos per couple.  Maximum handicap allowed is 36.

Looking forward to this new season with you all.

Francine & Michel

New Foursomes for Skins

As you may have seen on your golf calendar, almost all foursomes for Skins Games are full.
Today, Brad St-Pierre and Gérard Grégoire as league managers had a meeting with Steve Johnson, general manager of El Tigre Golf.
Steve agreed to reserve tee times for a maximum of six (6) foursomes beginning next Friday.

As usual, we must be ready to start our game on time and frequently before our tee time. Be ready to go 15 minutes before scheduled tee time. Pace of play was also important to obtain and maintain this number of players. Always be ready for your turn.

We ask you to keep your golf calendar up to date, signing in before 3:00 PM the day before the game.
It is also important, even more important, to sign out as soon as possible when you signed in and you kow you cannot play. Other players may be waiting for your place to play Skins.

Brad and Gérard

Ladies League – Friday, November 17, 2023

This weeks’ format will be Individual Net Score Paired with Blind Partner.  Record “GROSS” score only for all 18 holes.  Then subtract the your handicap from Gross score to obtain total “NET” score.  Rules Sheet will be provided on the day. The cost is $100 pesos including Skills. Correct change is always greatly appreciated.

For those who would like to try and improve their game, Hector will be providing his weekly golf tip at 8:40 a.m. This will be followed by the names of your cart mates and your starting hole number and any other information deemed necessary.  Shotgun start @ 9:00 a.m. sharp & we wait for no one.

Again, we are expecting a large number of players and it would be greatly appreciated if everyone would please make every effort to arrive at least 30 minutes before the start time and please pay your registration fee immediately upon arrival prior to finding your carts and readying yourself for the game.
If you wish to play, please make sure to update your calendar and “SAVE” the changes BEFORE Thursday, November 16th @ 2:00 p.m.  This is the cut-off period and no changes will be permitted after this time.  And off course, should you choose not play and have registered in the past for the date specified above, again please CANCEL and update your calendar and “SAVE” the changes before Thursdays’ deadline.  This will greatly assist those of us who organize the weekly games.
Remember ladies, ANY changes that you make to your “CALENDAR” must be saved, otherwise they are lost.

Thank You

2023-2024 Organizing Committee

© 2016 El Tigre Leagues