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First Annual Men’s League Memorial Golf Event – January 17th, 2023

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

We are pleased to announce that we have decided to have our First Annual Men’s League golf tournament on January 17th, 2023. The starting time will be our normal 8:50 AM start time. Steve, Alan, Don and I have had several meetings to plan for this event and we have agreed to the following:

Format: This will be a four-person team event where all teams will play a scramble format on holes 1 – 9 and a two ball best ball format on holes 10 – 18. All players will play from the normal set of tees that they normally play from and during the front nine scramble format, all teams must use a minimum of two drives per player. Maximum handicap will be 36 per player. The winning team will be determined by the combined lowest scores of the two formats. All members of the winning team will receive special memorial trophies, in addition to the normal monetary payouts.

Memorial recognition and post-golf luncheon activities: The memorial event is in honor and recognition of our fellow Men’s League members that are no longer with us, including Wayne Gibson, Bob Tormey, Derek Pepper and Jack Kirkpatrick. During our post-golf luncheon gathering we will pay tribute to Wayne, Bob, Derek and Jack. We will also purchase a special memorial plaque to honor our deceased comrades. (If we have somehow forgotten to include anyone in our memorial tribute, please let us know). The post-golf luncheon will include a hamburger meal for all attendees. Refreshments will be handled in the same manner as our normal post-golf events where each participant will receive a two for one beverage offering (beer, wine, soda, or other) that they will pay for separately.

Projected Costs Per Player: The projected costs per player, including the normal $100 entry fee, hamburger meal, costs of memorial plaque and trophies for winning team members will be $600 pesos.

Please know that the Memorial golf event will be a special annual event in future years. While we are all competitive golfers, it is important to remember and recognize that the Men’s League golf members are bound by more than just their golf playing abilities. We are a close community with deep bonds and we will always remember our fellow golfers who are no longer with us.




2 thoughts on “First Annual Men’s League Memorial Golf Event – January 17th, 2023

  1. rongor says:

    Re: gringo classic.  Alan Bayliss; please sign me up for the gringo classic on the Canadian team.

    RE: the Memorial Golf Event: I would like to participate. Do I need to register as part of a 4 man team or will you assign me to a team if I register as an individual? Thanks.  Ron

  2. Rob Stephens says:

    Good afternoon I would like to participate in this event if possible , I have just joined the golf club

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