This Friday we will play the Stableford Format wherein all players will need to record 1 BEST BALL NET SCORE PER HOLE & assign points based on the Stableford scoring format: Net Bogey = 1 Point, Net Par = 2 Points, Net Birdie = 3 Points & Net Eagle = 4 Points. Each player will be assigned to a team & all points for each team to be added together to equal one final score. Team with the most points, wins. Final number of teams & team members will be determined by the number of ladies registered for play. Cost is $100 pesos and correct change is greatly appreciated.
Our resident Golf Pro, Hector will be providing his weekly golf tip at 8:35 a.m. This will be followed by the names of your cart mates & your starting hole number. SHOTGUN START @ 8:50 A.M. SHARP.
Rosalie Barnes