If you are currently registered to play Friday, March 28th in the Ladies League, please note the following: The Calendar was opened for play on this date prior to knowledge of the El Tigre Club Championship currently scheduled for March 28th and 29th for both Men and Ladies. As a result of this information, the regular Ladies League game has been removed from the Calendar.
If you plan to play the Club Championship (March 28th & 29th), you MUST register in the Pro Shop and pay you registration fee of $1,700 pesos. This includes a welcome gift, awards banquet following the Saturday game, open bar, trophies and many other prizes.
If you do not play the Club Championship, no action is required on your part to remove name from the El Tigre Leagues Calendar as the date has been deleted from the system.
I sincerely hope that many of you do play the Club Championship as it will be lots of fun and you will be flighted based on your handicap.
Rosalie Barnes