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All posts by frahar

Couples golf Sunday February 2nd

Hola todos,

This week, we’re playing “middle scores” in teams of four.  We’ll use two net scores per hole eliminating the lowest and the highest  net scores.

Ex.  net team’s scores are 3, 4, 4, 5.  The  lowest (3) and the highest (5) are eliminated, the two 4 (middle scores) are kept , giving the team a score of eight.

Shut gun is at 10:00, but please be ready for  9:45 for our little gattering before the game.

The cost is a 100 pesos per couple and the maximum handicap per player is 36.

Since we’re back home, Charles and Anahi will host this event.  Have fun.

Francine & Michel

Couples golf Sunday January 19th

Hola todos,

This week we’ll play a 4 men scramble using a minimum of 4 drives of each player.

Shut gun is at 10:00, but please be ready for  9:45 for our little gattering before the game.

The cost is a 100 pesos per couples and the maximum handicap per player is 36.

Looking forward to seeing you,

Francine & Michel



Couples golf – Sunday January 5th

Hola todos,

The game this week is called tres amigos.  It is played in teams of four, using two best ball net per hole and changing partners every 6 holes. Holes 1 through 6, spouses are partners, holes 7 through 12 our partner is the other spouse and holes 13 through 18, the women are partners as well as the men.

We actually have to start playing at 10:00 sharp so we would appreciate you showing up ahead of time please.

Looking forward to having another great year with all of you.

Francine & Michel

Couples golf, December 22nd

Ho, Ho, Ho.

Since Christmas is almost here, let’s have a festive game this week!

Our two cheerful teams, the Nutcrackes and the Elves,  will  have a rematch.  Will the Elves win this time?

Details of the game to be given on Sunday.  We have to be on the course at 10:00, so please be there ahead of time.

Please be jolly and dress Christmassy.

Mr & Mrs Claus



Couples golf – Sunday December 8th

Hola todos,

We call this week’s format “48 scores”.  It will played in teams of four and after each hole you will decide how many scores you will use (0 to 4).                    Each team will need a total of 48 scores to count after 18 holes.  We’ll see what time will make the best decisions.

Shut gun is at 10:00, but please be ready for  9:40 for informations and holes assignment.

The cost is a 100 pesos per couples and the maximum handicap per player is 36.

Looking forward to seeing you,

Francine & Michel

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