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Hi everyone,

We’ll start this new year with a two person team, playing a strategy game. The scores of only 9 holes will count using 2 par 5s, 3 par 3s and 4 par 4s. After each hole the team must decide if that hole will be used or not. Hope your strategy works out!

We tee off at 10:00, the cost is 100 pesos per couple and the maximum handicap is 40.

Hasta Domingo

Francine & Michel


Hola todos,

Hope you all had a great Christmas and have recovered from all the festivities.

Sunday’s game will be teams of 4, playing the flag game. Meaning counting 2 bb net on red flags, 3 bb net on white flags and 1 bb net on blue flags

The maximum handicap is 40, the cost is 100 pesos per couple and we will tee off at 10:00.

Hasta domingo

Francine & Michel

Couples golf Dec. 1st & 15th

Queridos pares,

The game this week is called treis amigos and it consists in changing partners every six holes. We will play teams of four using 2 bb net on every hole.
Holes 1 through 6, spouses are partners, holes 7 through 12 the women are partners as well as the men and holes 13 through 18, our partner will be the other spouse.
We play at 10:00, the cost is 100 pesos per couple and the maximum handicap is 40.

Once again Mary-Lou and Garnet will host the CHRISTMAS PARTY at Artesanias. We really need to know ASAP who will attend as we need to rent tables and a DJ.
Thanks for your cooperation.

Hasta Domingo

Francine & Michel

Women’s league

Hello Ladies,

The game for this week will be 2 lady teams. You will  score one best ball of your 2 lady team on the odd holes only; so only 9 holes will count for the game score.

The skills will be longest putt on the 13, KP on 6 and KP on number 17.

The game is 50 pesos and the skills are 20 pesos. Please have correct change.

The game starts at 9:00 am so please be ready to go in your cart at 8:45 am

You must sign up in the system before Wednesday at midnight.
Remember to “SAVE” your calendar – that option is at the bottom of the page.
Mary Lou Plant will be the emergency contact for any changes after Wednesday at midnight.

If you haven’t signed up for the ringer board  yet this year; the fee is 100 pesos. Please see Vivian for details.

Don’t forget we are having the 50/50 draw each week. Tickets will be 20 pesos and 3 tickets will be 50 pesos.

Looking forward to seeing you all on Friday.

Carole, Francine, Janet, Mary-Lou & Vivian

New activity at the club house

The Casa Club is open every evening until 7:00 pm for the month of November! 

If anyone is interested in playing Cribbage – let’s meet there on Tuesday, November 19th at 5:00 pm

Bring your board and cards if you have one.

We are hoping that this will be a weekly event if there is enough interest.

Other games are welcome – a Scrabble game will be provided.

Let’s have fun!

© 2016 El Tigre Leagues