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Details for the end of season celebration

The competition this year will be “battle of the sexes”.  On holes one through nine will be the best ball net of the men vs the best ball net of their spouses.  The winning team will get one point for the match and if there’s a tie a half point will be given to each team.  On holes ten through eighteen each couple will play an individual match against each other.  Once again the winner will get one point.  Best of luck to all.

The pot luck will be held at Luma.  You’re expected at 5:30 for cocktails and appetizers and dinner will be served around 6:30.  To enter Luma you must go through the northern gate of Playa Royale.  After parking your car, entrance is through the Luma underground parking(the door nearest the ocean) and Ray will be waiting for us.  We suggest car pooling if possible.   If there’s any late arrivals dial 9 on the control box  for assistance or call Ray at 322-144-1004.

There are electrical outlets and chafer dishes will be available to keep food warm.   Ice will be provided but don’t forget it’s a BYOB.

Tee time will be at 10:00 as usual, please be there for 9:30.  The cost for the day will be 50 pesos per couple and will be collected before the game.

We would like to thank Diane & Ray for hosting this event and Louise Favreau for coordinating the pot luck.

Amigos do not forget to move your clock forward Saturday night.

Hasta Domingo

Francine & Michel


Hola ladies,

We would like to remind you to  enter all your scores in the handicap system.  Our prizes are based  on net scores so it is important to have an accurate handicap.

This week’s format is  teams of two which will be randomly paired with another  team of two to become a team of four.  More details will be given Friday morning.  Here’s who have signed in for this week’s event:  Carole, Diane K., Dina, Francine, Gemma, Janet, Kathy, Louise, Lucie, Mimi, Rosa, Rosalie, Rosie, Sharon and Sue.

Hasta Viernes,

Your ladies league committee

Hi ladies, the league starts again this week.

This week we will be playing a four lady team,  using a pink ball .

These are the ones who are registered :  Carole, Dina, Francine, Janet, Janice, Joan, Kathy, Lisa, Rosalie and Sue.

Thanks to you all  for your participation to our “precious” event .  It was for sure a dazzling succes.  All the teams shone in this competition but espacially  the Emerald team who came in first and the the Sapphire who won the second place, congratulations ladies.

See you on Friday.

Your El Tigre Women’s league Committee


End of season celebration

Hola todos,  we are planning a gathering after golf at Luma on April 7th.  Please let us know asap if you can play golf and/or if you are available for the reception after.  If any of you have guests, please let us know their names and handicaps.

We’ll play golf at 10:00 as usual and dinner will be a put luck.   Louise Favreau Pinet will be in charge , please let her know what you intend to bring.  Here’s her email address:

Looking forward to seeing you all.

Francine & Michel

Closing gathering 🎉

Please note that a special event will be held on Friday March 15th. A lunch will follow the golf competition and  the winners of the ringer board will be announced🏆.   Four big teams will compete using the stableford format.  The theme is “precious” and  the teams will be diamond 💎 , Sapphire, ruby and emerald.  We think it could be fun if you could dress to match your precious stone.

Since we need to balance the handicaps, we ask you, exceptionally, to register by Tuesday March 13th no later than 3:00.

As always you can play socially or you can take part in the competition.  If ever you can’t play, you are more than welcome to join us for lunch.  Just let us know, as food has to be ordered ahead of time.

Please come for the fun, the company and the surprises.

Hoping to see many “shining ladies”.👑

Carole, Francine, Janet, Mary-Lou and Vivian

© 2016 El Tigre Leagues