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Sunday couples league

Hi everyone,

This week will be the last Sunday for couples golf.  So please join us for this last gathering.

Golf is at 10:30 and cost is 50 pesos per couple.

Hasta Domingo

Francine & Michel

Sunday couples league

Hola  todos,

Here is the pairing for this week’s competition.  Please proudly wear the colour of your teams.

1 Mark 5 45 VS Michel 6 45
Joan 40 Gemma 39
2 Bruce 6 44 VS Simon 9 46
Nancy 38 Stayce 37
3 Yvan 11 43 VS Roger 9 42
Lucie 32 Rosie 33
4 Jack 13 41 VS Don 12 40
Mary-Lou 28 Dina 28
5 Myles 15 43 VS Michel P. 16 43
Louise 28 Ria 27
6 Gerard 18 44 VS Markus 17 43
Diane 26 Mary 26
7 J.O. 19 43 VS Petr 20 41
Francine 24 Meredith 21
8 Robert 26 42 VS Woody 24 41
Mimi 16 Carole 17
9 Garnet 27 46 VS Kurt 37 50
Sharon 19 Vivian 13
391 391


The format will be anounced on Sunday .

See you at 10:30 as usual.

Francine & Michel

Sunday March 25th

Hi everyone,

We would like all of you who are playing next Sunday to please make sure you have signed in in El Tigre Golf leagues.

Having to plan format and teams, we ask those who are not yet registered  to do so at the latest on Thursday before 3:00 p.m.

It’s very important to Diane, Dina and ourselves to have a head count as soon as possible.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Francine  & Michel

P.S.  Dina would like to know who is bringing the spinach salad.

Sunday couples golf

Hi everyone,

This week’s game will be teams of 4, using 3 best ball net on par 5, 2 best ball net on par 3 and 1 best ball net on par 4.

Game is at 10:30 as usual and cost is 50 pesos per couple.

We still haven’t heard from numerous couples for our closing event on the 25.  Please get back to the organizers as soon as possible.  Thanks.

See you on Sunday,


Michel & Francine

Pot luck & party

Hola golfers

Diane and I have been busy working on our pot luck for March 25th.

5 pm social at Playa Royale.

Dinner approximately 6:15 pm.

We investigated a few options but due to diet concerns and preference, we have decided to continue as we have done in the past.

Please email myself and Diane with the names and number of people attending.
Diane will need to submit a list to the guards at Playa Royale.

Include which food category you plan to bring.

Appetizers….. if you sign up in this category please arrive by 5 pm


Meat or main dish


Bring your choice of beverages.

We will provide ice, plates, napkins and plastic utensils.

We are renting tables and chairs. If our funding comes up a bit short we may collect a small donation that evening.

We are working on a speaker so we might have music after dinner.

It has been brought to our attention there is a rather entertaining magician available that would circulate around the tables a do magic tricks. It would cost approximately
150 pesos per couple (based on 20 couples). If this is something you want to see please let us know when you sign the food list.

The food list will also be circulated at couples golf the next two Sundays.

You must still let Francine know if you are playing golf on March 25th as always.

Thank you,
Dina Quinley and Diane Gmelin

© 2016 El Tigre Leagues