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couples golf

Hello couples,

Here’s the info for this week’s game:
Format: 2 person scramble
Partner: your better half
Cost: 50 pesos per couple
Handicap: wednesday’s for those who don’t have one
Each player must use a minimum of 3 tee balls per 9 holes.

Moto: no stress, good time’s only

Francine & Michel

Sunday November 20th

We will play a team game this Sunday.  It will be two best balls net per hole for each foursome.  Maximum handicap will be 36.

Cost per couple will be 50 pesos.

I’m looking for a partner this Sunday as Michel is playing in a tournament.  If anyone is available please let me know.

P.S.  No stress allowed, fun only!

Francine & Michel

© 2016 El Tigre Leagues