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Sunday December 3rd

Hola todos,

This week’s format demands a little strategy.  We’ll play in teams of four and after each hole we’ll register our low net scores.  Each team will need a total of 44 scores to count .

Shut gun at 10:00, 100 pesos per couples and maximum handicap of 36.

Looking forward to seeing you,

Francine & Michel


Sunday November 19th

Hola todos,

This week’s format is very simple.  We’ll count 2 low net scores per hole for the foursome.

Shut gun is at ten and the cost is a 100 pesos per couple.  Maximum handicap allowed is 36.

Looking forward to this new season with you all.

Francine & Michel

Save the date

Hi everyone,

We hope you are all in great shape and you had an enjoyable summer.

The couples league will resume on November 19th.  Details of this first event will follow shortly.

We are still playing at 10:00  and the cost is a 100 pesos per couple.

Looking forward to seeing you all.

Francine & Michel

Sunday April 2nd

Hola todos,

This week we’re playing a shamble (best drive of the group) with one catch, where we must use each team member’s drive three times.  All players play their ball from the chosen drive, until they have completed the hole.  We will use two best ball nets per hole.
Tee time at ten as usual, the maximum handicap is 36 and the cost per couple is 100p.

Looking forward to seeing you all on this last Sunday of the season.

Francine & Michel

Torneo de gemas

Thank you to all of the ladies who participated in the 2023 Torneo de Gemas.  It was a wonderful turn out and everyone looked “dazzling” dressed in the colour of their gem. ❤️????????????

Tournament Results:

1st Place – Ruby team ❤️

Each member of the team receiving $200 pesos

2nd Place – Diamond team ????

Each member of the team receiving $150 pesos

Congratulations Ladies!!!!

Of special note:

CONGRATULATIONS! to Dina Quinley on her 1st ever HOLE IN ONE on hole #12.  ⛳️

Dina also achieved the highest number of points by any player – 45.  Well done. ????

Special thanks to:

Diane Kirton – for purchasing and transporting from Florida all the St. Patrick’s day props.  ☘️

Leanne Parsons – for assisting with check in and handling all the “details” while the organizing committee was out on course.  Thank you for all your time. ????

Egils Barnes – our chief photographer and bartender.  Thank you for your expertise and time. ????

Lucie Faucher – thank you for the countless hours spent cutting out Shamrocks for the prize draws. ☘️

Hector – Thank you for being such a great sport in our on course activity “Beat the Pro”.  All the ladies enjoyed the event. ⛳️

Cuco – Thank you for ensuring all of the “on course props” were placed in a timely manner.

Starter Shack – thank you for organizing the carts and decorating with Shamrocks. ☘️

Roberto and Staff/Kitchen Staff – Thank for a lovely meal and great service. ????????

Steve Johnson – Thank you for assisting with the Gem Team scoring and your support throughout the planning and execution of the tournament.

To everyone who donated prizes, thank you, thank you, thank you.

Until next year ladies ……………….

© 2016 El Tigre Leagues