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Couples golf Sunday March 19th

Hola todos,

This week we’re playing the “tres amigos”.  Hole 1 through 6 the best ball net of each couple.  Holes to 7 through 12, the best ball net of the two women with the best ball net of the men and holes 13 through 18, we change couples and use  the best ball net of each  twosome.

Hopefully everybody are still amigos after.

Tee time at 10:00 as usual, the cost is a 100p per couple and the maximum is 36.

Looking forward to seeing on Sunday.

Francine & Michel



Torneo de gemas

We are pleased to announce the teams for the upcoming tournament, March 17, 2023.

Please wear the colour of your gem the day of the event.
ruby Diamond Sapphire emerald
Andree Carol D. Francine Diane K.
Charli Carole Janice Dina
Gemma Chantal Jessie France
Janet Debbie Louise F. Joanne
Louise A. Kathy H. Marilyn Karin
Pamela Kathy K. Mary Linda
Pat Lori Meredith Lisa B.
P.-Claire Mimi Michele C. Mary-Lou
Rosanne Myrnalyn Micheline Michelle R.
Sandra Rosa Nella Teri M.
Sharon Syd Rosalie Terri T.
Vivian Vicky Rosie


You are requested to check in between 8:00 and 8:30 at the registration desk located in the Pro Shop.  Please ensure you have your final tournament payment of $100 pesos at check in.  Exact change is greatly appreciated.
A meeting of all players will be held at the starter shack at 8:45 to communicate foursomes, starting holes and activities for the day.
Tee time is 9:00 a.m. sharp.
Carole, Francine & Kathy

Torneo de Gemas- Secure Your Spot!!!!!!

A reminder that your deposit and meal selection must be done in the Pro Shop by March 5 to secure your spot in the March 17  Torneo de Gemas.
As previously communicated:

The cost of the tournament will be $300 pesos per person.  payable as follows:

A deposit of $200 pesos is required to secure your spot in the tournament. This deposit will cover the cost of your meal (including tax and gratuity).   Your deposit is required by Sunday, March 5 and can be paid at the Pro Shop.  Please indicate your payment as “registration for Torneo de Gemas”.

Please provide the staff your meal preference:

  1. Chef Salad
  2. French Dip with French Fries
  3. Shrimp Stuffed Avocado

*please make the organizing committee aware of any allergy concerns

Many thanks to all of those ladies who have provided a donation to date.  If you have a donation for the prize table please see a member of the organizing committee.

Information regarding teams will be provided once we have finalized the player list with the secured deposit.

Thanks ladies.

Couples golf Sunday March 5th

Hola todos,

This week we’re trying someting new.  We play in teams of four and On each hole we eliminate the best and worst net  scores, using only the 2 middle net scores.

We start at 10:00, the cost is a 100 pesos per couples and the maximum handicap is 36.

Hasta Domingo

Francine & Michel

Torneo de gemas

We are pleased to confirm we have 48 registered participants for the Torneo de Gemas on Friday, March 17 and registration for the tournament is now closed.

If you have not registered and are interested in playing, please let us know and your name will be on the “waiting list”.


Important information for our upcoming tournament:

Tournament Cost

The cost of the tournament will be $300 pesos per person.  payable as follows:

  1. A deposit of $200 pesos is required to secure your spot in the tournament. This deposit will cover the cost of your meal (including tax and gratuity).   Your deposit is required by Sunday, March 5 and can be paid at the Pro Shop.  Please indicate your payment as “registration for Torneo de Gemas”.

Please provide the staff your meal preference:

  1. Chef Salad
  2. French Dip with French Fries
  3. Shrimp Stuffed Avocado

*please make the organizing committee aware of any allergy concerns

  1. The balance of the tournament cost ($100 pesos) will be payable on  the day of the event, March 17 at the “Tournament Check-In” table. Exact change is greatly appreciated.

Other important information:


All beverages will be handled separately on a “per table” basis.  One bill will be issued to the table and individuals will be responsible for ensuring their portion of the bill is covered.  Beverage pricing will be that of Ladies Day and includes tax and gratuity.

Tournament Format

We will be playing Stableford format and the team collecting the most points from their NET score will be the winner.

  • 1 point for Bogey,
  • 2 points for Par,
  • 3 points for Birdie, and
  • 4 points for an Eagle.


We thank all those who have donated  to date.  If you have a donation, please provide same to a member of the organizing committee (Carole Magnan, Francine Harwood or Kathy Hughes) prior before March 10.


Once registrations are confirmed with deposit; the committee will provide information regarding teams, start times, etc.  Stay tuned ……………………

© 2016 El Tigre Leagues