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Sunday March 6th

Hola todos,

This week we are playing in teams of four using 2 net scores per hole, one lady’s score and one man’s score. You must use a minimum of six scores per player making the decision after completing each hole.

Shut gun start at 10:00, as usual, and the cost is a 100 pesos per couple.

Looking forword to seeing you.

Francine & Michel

Sunday February 20th

Hola todos,

This week we’re playing in teams of 4, using 2 scores on each hole; #1 @ 9 using the best ball net of the ladies + the best ball net of the men and #10 @ 18 using the best ball net of each couple.

We’re teeing off at 10:00 as usual, and cost is 100 pesos per couple.

Looking forward to golf with you.

Francine & Michel

Sunday February 6th

Hola todos,

This week we’ll play a modified chapman. Teams of two, each player hits their tee ball and then we each hit our partner’s ball. Starting on the 3rd shot, we will play a scramble format. We will be using 60% of the lowest handicap and 40% of the highest.

Teeing up at 10:00 as usual, 100 pesos per couple and maximum handicap 36.

Looking forward to seeing you all.

Francine & Michel

Sunday January 23rd

Hola todos,

Since we have new flags, we’ll be playing the flag game this week. We will be teams of four and will use 3 net scores on white flags and 2 net scores on red and blue flags.

Tee time is at 10:00, cost is a 100 pesos per couple and maximum strokes allowed per hole is 2.

Looking forward to seeing you.

Francine & Michel

Sunday January 9th

Hola todos,

Hoping everyone is well and we are wishing for better times in 2022.

Some of you may have traveled or had visitors during this festive period. We’re assuming that all players have had their COVID vaccinations. We should all be careful not to let Omicron into our group.

This week the game is a version of the waltz.  We’re playing in teams of 4 using 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1 best ball net and repeat 3 times starting on hole #1.

Tee time is at 10:00, the cost is a 100 pesos per couple and the maximum handicap is 36.

Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday

Francine & Michel

© 2016 El Tigre Leagues