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All posts by Gérard Grégoire - 2. page

New feature – Waiting list

This year, all leagues have a maximum players per event. For example, Men League maximum player is 60. On the calendar you will see something like 45/ 60 when 45 players registered, and the maximum is 60. Each time a new player signs in or signs out, number of registered players is adjusted.

When the maximum players for an event is reached, checking box is grayed and an asterisk (*) appears.

Click on * and you will be able to put your name on the waiting list. If you put your name on the list, * will become an @ and you are on the waiting list.

You can go on and out the waiting until the cut off, the day before the event (3:00PM, 8:00AM for Women League). When a player signs out for this league event, every player on the waiting list for this event will then receive an email saying there is a spot available.

The empty spot will be taken by the first player who signs in in after receiving email. Players not fast enough to take the available spot will remain on the waiting list and have another chance to sign in if another spot becomes available.


* You can put your name on the waiting list

@ You are on the waiting list and you will receive an email if a spot becomes available

Gringo Classic 2025 – Short message / Breve mensaje

Short message regarding the Gringo Classic 2025.

25-26 February 2025.

-This year we are limited to 48 players, 24 players per team.

-During registration you’ll choose either gold or white tees boxes that you prefer to play. Twelve spots per team. We highly recommend registering early for your preferred tee box.

-Registration starts for MEMBERS on Wednesday the 13 November -31 December 2024.

-Registration for GUESTS if spots are available 1-31 January 2025. Obviously during this time period Members can register as well.

-We’ll create a waiting list if required.

Full payment will be required at the time of registration.

-More To Follow

Looking forward seeing everyone. Also, we want to wish everyone a Happy upcoming Canadian 🇨🇦 Thanksgiving Holiday weekend.


Breve mensaje sobre el Gringo Classic 2025.

25-26 de febrero de 2025.

-Este año estamos limitados a 48 jugadores, 24 jugadores por equipo.

-Durante la inscripción, elegirás los tees dorados o blancos en los que prefieras jugar. Doce lugares por equipo. Le recomendamos encarecidamente que se registre con anticipación para su tee de salida preferido.

-La inscripción para MIEMBROS comienza el miércoles 13 de noviembre al 31 de diciembre de 2024.

Inscripción para INVITADOS si hay plazas disponibles del 1 al 31 de enero de 2025. Obviamente, durante este período, los miembros también pueden inscribirse.

-Crearemos una lista de espera si es necesario.

Se requerirá el pago total al momento de la inscripción.

-Más información próximamente.

Esperamos verlos a todos. También queremos desearles a todos un feliz fin de semana de Acción de Gracias canadiense 🇨🇦.

Allan Bayliss & Charles King

Skins game 2024-2025

The new Skins game season is about to begin. The first game will take place on November 1st, 2024. Season will end on April 28th, 2025. These events are already scheduled on the website.

The new registration procedure is in effect (see post) and players can register from October 4th at 5:00PM for the November 1st event. Registration for the next event on November 4th game will be active from October 7th at 5:00PM. And for the whole season, registration will be open 4 weeks (28 days) in advance at 5:00PM. As usual, registration will close at 3:00PM the day before each event.

The maximum number of players for Skins is still 24 per event. A waiting list will be set up shortly implemented on the website. When the maximum number of players is reached, other players will be able to join the waiting list. Further details will come in next days.

Brad St-Pierre has agreed to gradually take over management of the Skins league during the season. Thank you Brad, for taking over. As for me, I will help Brad and continue managing leagues’ website.

Have a great season!

Gérard Grégoire

New registration process

This season there are changes to the registration process for all four leagues (Ladies, Mens, Couples & Skins) wherein the respective calendars will open for registration only 28 days in advance of each league game date.  This will continue every week thereafter for the balance of the season.  In other words, when the calendar opens, you can book for the game scheduled four weeks into the future.

Example:  Ladies League calendar opens October 11th for play on November 8th only.  Then opens again October 18th for play on November 15th.  This will continue for the balance of the season.

After season begins, it will be easier to remind it. After each game, you will be able to sign in for the game four weeks ahead on the same weekday. Registration will open at 5:00PM on that day. As usual, sign in will be open until game’s eve, 8:00AM for Ladies league and 3:00PM for other leagues.

Priority will be given to El Tigre Golf Members first.  Visiting family or friends that wish to play the Leagues will be handled on a case-by-case basis, however, every effort will be made to accommodate where possible.

League administrators will soon provide you with additional information on the coming season.


Gringo Classic 2025 – Questionnaire

The Gringo Classic committee would like your feedback.
Please use the following link to email your reply with the questionnaire and your answers: Gingo Classic – Questionnaire.


1. Would you like for Gringo Classic 2025 gift? Select one
a. Ball Cap team colors
b. Shirt team colors
c. No Gift
2. During next year’s two-day event, would you like a lunch on both days?
a. YES both days
b. One day only
c. No lunch
3. What would you feel comfortable for next year’s registration cost, regarding to your answers above? Select one
a $800 – $1,000
b. $1,100 – $1,500
c. $1,600 – $2,000
4. IF we ask during registration which Tee’s Blocks would you prefer to play? Select one
a. Golds
b. White / Gold Combo
c. White
5. ONE comment you like to see to improve for next year’s Gringo Classic?

Charles King 🇨🇦

© 2016 El Tigre Leagues