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Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, November 17th

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

This Wednesday we will be playing a four person team game, using Stableford scoring where each team will need to count three best ball net scores for each hole. The point scoring format is as follows; 1 point for a net “bogie”, 2 points for a net “par”, 3 points for a net “birdie”, 4 points for a net “eagle” and 6 points for a net “double eagle”. For scoring purposes, please record both gross scores and net scores for all players on all holes and provide team summary scores for the front 9, the back 9 and the total 18 hole score. Also, please circle all gross deuces (2’s) on your scorecard and remember to repair all divots.

Men’s League guidelines concerning unvaccinated players: The following agreement was reached by the Men’s League members: If you are unvaccinated, you need to let Markus know of your status by sending him a private email ( that will be kept confidential. For all other players, if you do not want to be paired with an unvaccinated player, you need to let Markus know of your request by sending him a private email that will also be kept confidential. Based on this information, Markus will be able to modify any of the computer generated pairings to make sure that everyone’s wishes are honored. Thank you for your support and understanding.

Good luck to all golfers!


Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, November 10th, 2021

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

This Wednesday we will be playing a four person team game, commonly referred to as “the waltz”. For hole 1 one best ball net score will be required, for hole 2 two best ball net scores will be required, for hole 3 three best ball net scores will be required and this pattern will repeat for all of the remaining holes. For scoring purposes, please record both gross scores and net scores for all players on all holes and provide team summary scores for the front 9, the back 9 and the total 18 hole score. Also, please circle all gross deuces (2’s) on your scorecard and remember to repair all divots.

Last week, prior to our tee off, a discussion took place with all of the players to come up with a Men’s League policy pertaining to unvaccinated players. After the discussion, the following agreement was reached. If you are unvaccinated, you need to let Markus know of your status by sending him a private email ( that will be kept confidential. For all other players, if you do not want to be paired with an unvaccinated player, you need to let Markus know of your request by sending him a private email that will also be kept confidential. Based on this information, Markus will be able to modify any of the computer generated pairings to make sure that everyone’s wishes are honored.

Good luck to all golfers!


Men’s Mixer – Update for Wednesday, November 3rd

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

I was recently approached by some of our fellow golfers that were concerned about riding with other players that have not been vaccinated. The Men’s League has a paramount obligation to protect the health and well being of all players. I will plan on discussing this matter with all players as a group before we tee off on Wednesday morning. In the meantime, and on a temporary basis, I would respectfully ask all players that are not vaccinated to send me a private email ( to let me know that you are not vaccinated. This information will be kept confidential and it will allow me to modify and update any pairings as necessary. We need everyone’s help in protecting the health and integrity of the Men’s League golfing community. Thank you for your understanding.


Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, November 3rd

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

This Wednesday we will be playing a four person team game, where three best ball net scores will be required for all Par 3 holes, two best ball net scores will be required for all Par 4 holes and only one best ball net score will be needed for all Par 5 holes. For scoring purposes, please record both gross scores and net scores for all players on all holes and provide team summary scores for the front 9, the back 9 and the total 18 hole score. Also, please circle all gross deuces (2’s) on your scorecard and remember to repair all divots.

We should be off to a great start for the season. I expect that we will have at least 20 players participating in next Wednesday’s event. Good luck to all golfers!


Men’s Mixer – Men’s League Season Starts Wednesday, November 3rd

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

I hope that everyone had an enjoyable and safe summer. Customary to tradition, the Men’s League season will formally start the first Wednesday in November, which is less than three weeks away. The calendar has been updated accordingly so that you can now check off the dates that you expect to play, based on your personal schedule and availability. I will plan on sending out an updated post, the weekend before our first event that will provide additional information concerning the game that we will be playing on November 3rd.

Safe travels and best wishes to all!


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