Effective April 1st, the El Tigre golf course is once again closed as a result of new government issued guidelines. The course is expected to be closed at least through the end of the month of April. The course had reopened for the last 5 days of March, and during that time it was gratifying to see that all golfers were observing the new social distancing measures that had been put in place.
There has been an overwhelming response from the El Tigre golf league members in support of the Relief fund program that was recently established. After five days, Steve Johnson has received over $70,000 pesos in total contributions from the membership community. This is absolutely amazing and speaks volumes concerning the collective character and generosity of our members during this time of need. The deadline for the current relief campaign is 12:00 noon on April 6th (4 days from now). At that time Steve Johnson will make the collected funds available to the impacted staff members. Any and all collected funds will be made available to the caddies, the beverage cart ladies and to the golf shop staff members. There is still time to make a contribution if you would like to do so.
As stated in the last post, any and all contributions, of any amount, are greatly appreciated. If you are still in the Nuevo Vallarta area, you can stop by and drop off a cash contribution at the golf shop, to Steve’s attention. Credit card contributions can be made by contacting Steve Johnson, (his email is sjohnson@paradisevillagegroup.com) and letting him know what amount, and what currency (US dollars, Canadian dollars, Mexican pesos, etc.) you would like to contribute. Most members will have a credit card on file with the golf course that you most likely will be able to use. Steve has established an accounting process to record and track all contributions collected and we will continue to send out periodic fund raising updates during the next 4 days (via updated posts on the members website).
For those members that have already contributed we thank you very much for your generosity and caring. Best wishes to all members and their families for continued good health.