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Friday, April 1st

This week the format will be 4-Lady Team with the best 2 Low Nets. The game is $50 pesos and the Skills are $20 pesos. If you plan to play please register and be sure to “save” your changes. Game time will be a shotgun start at 9:30 a.m. Please be there by 9:15 a.m. to receive game instructions and your starting hole.

Thank You

Friday, March 25th

This week we’ll be playing the Scramble format throughout the entire game. Game is $50 pesos with a shotgun start at 9:30 a.m. If you plan to play please register and “save” your changes. Looking forward to seeing you on Friday morning.

Thank You

March 11th Ladies Day

March 11th Ladies Day will be a shotgun start at 9:30 a.m. sharp. Please be there for 9:15 a.m. for game instructions and hole assignment. The cost is $50 pesos for the game and $20 pesos for the skills. Please have correct change. If you wish to play, please register online and ensure that you “save” your changes.

Thank You.


To those ladies that are registered to play in the upcoming Torneo de Gemas (Gems Tournament) on March 18th. The organizing committee will be using your handicap as of March 13th. If you have games that you have played and not recorded that could have an affect on your handicap, it is suggested that you do so before March 13th. Do not forget to “SAVE” your changes.

Thank You

Torneo de Gemas Committee

CALENDAR – Ladies League

This notice is to all ladies who participate in the weekly Ladies League. As some of you may know, we are experiencing ladies showing up to play on Fridays and are not on the “official” listing as registered to play. As well, we have ladies that are “register” to play and not showing up resulting in what appears to be a “no show”. After doing some research, it appears this is mostly the result from ladies that are selecting to play or de-selecting to not play on smart phones and tablets and are not “saving” their changes. Please, if you are one of those using smart phones and or tablets PLEASE make sure that you are “saving” your changes. Hopefully this will ensure smoother Friday mornings for those of us who are organizing the games and trying to ensure that you have an enjoyable day of golf and camaraderie.

Thank You

2021/22 Organizing Committee

© 2016 El Tigre Leagues