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All posts by Rosalie Barnes - 24. page

Shifting Context: Leadership Springs from Within by Linda Alepin

Our very own Linda Alepin has just finished and successfully launched her new book entitled “Shifting Context: Leadership Springs from Within”.  Please join us at the clubhouse on Friday February 11th immediately following Ladies League Golf Day to hear Linda tell us all about her new book on leaders from around the world who are using 21stcentury principles to achieve extraordinary results.  Find out for yourself what is possible when you learn to shift context. 

A little background about Linda …  After a highly successful business career in technology, Linda joined Santa Clara University as an Executive Professor. She has specialized in developing and teaching leadership courses. She is a sought-after speaker on a broad range of subjects and co-author of “You as a Global Leader”.  Linda believes that every person has the innate capability to be a leader in her family, her community, her region, and the world.

Thank You

Ladies League-January 28, 2022

If you wish to play on Friday, please ensure you are registered. Shotgun start set for 9:30 a.m. $50 pesos for the game and $20 pesos for Skills. Correct change is greatly appreciated. Please arrive for 9:15 a.m. for game instructions rolled by 9:30 a.m. shotgun start.

Thank You


Future of El Tigre Ladies League

The El Tigre Ladies League was created some years ago as an avenue to meet new golf members.  The league gathered weekly to play the game, socialize and form new and lasting friendships.  However, over the last year, the number of ladies participating has declined significantly.  And as all of you know, the club is very busy with golfers that are vacationing in this area, and while we may be members, we are not member owners.  This could affect the number of spots we have on a weekly basis.  With that in mind, if the league is to continue and grow, you may wish to reconsider your participation.  Failure to do so could result in the number of spots being limited.  It’s your league and I hope you will continue to support it.  Thank you

COVID Rules – Ladies League

COVID is now all around us in Nuevo Vallarta and spreading fast. We want to continue enjoying golf, but safely and without putting ourselves and others at risk.

Below are the rules for the coming weeks and months for the Ladies League, which we hope will keep the game from being the source of a COVID outbreak.

Everyone in the League should adopt and comply with these rules for herself and for all other players. There will be no enforcement police, but as friends, we should help each other to play golf safely. So by signing up for and playing in the League, you are implicitly telling your friends that you are complying with these rules.

1- I don’t play if I am not fully vaccinated.

2-I don’t play if I have COVID symptoms, whether COVID-tested positive or not.

3- If I have COVID, I don’t play until I reach at least 5 consecutive days without symptoms or get a negative test.

4- If I have been in close contact with a person having COVID in the last 5 days, I don’t play in the games.

5- I will not play within the first 5 days after arrival in Puerto Vallarta by plane or other public transportation. This rule is for regular as well as for temporary players.

Rosalie Barnes

Adopted from Gérard Grégoire, Skins League Manager

January 10, 2022

© 2016 El Tigre Leagues