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Couples Golf - 12. page

Sunday March 8th

Hola todos,

Steve has told us that ILT is a smaller group this week so our pace of play should be back to normal.

Sunday’s game will be teams of two using one best ball net per hole.

Hasta Domingo

Sunday February 23rd

Hola amigos,

Sunday’s game will be teams of 4, playing the flag game.

We will count 2 bb net on red flags 🙂, 4 bb net on white flags 😱 and 3 bb net on blue flags ☹️

We tee off at 10:00, cost is 100 pesos per couple and the maximum handicap is 40.

Hasta domingo

Francine & Michel

Sunday February 9th

Hola amigos,

This week we will play teams of four counting 2 best ball net per hole. Holes 1@6 = bb net of each couple, 7 @12 = bb net men + bb net women and 13 @ 18 2 bb net of the 4 players.

We tee off at 10:00, cost is 100 pesos per couple and the maximum handicap is 40.

See you all on Sunday

Francine & Michel

Sunday January 26th

Hola amigos,

The format this week will be a version of the waltz. We will be teams of 4 and we will do 1,2,3, 3,2,1, bb nets and repeat three times.

Game is at 10:00 as usual, the maximum handicap is 40 and the cost is 100p per couple.

Hasta Domingo

Francine & Michel


Open to Everyone . . . . Ladies, Men, Visitors
Lisa and I are avid game players: cards, boardgames, horse race etc. and decided to have a regular games day.  We also want to support the later closure time at the golf club so will be set up in the upper far corner where there is lots of space to spread out if needed.  4:00pm is game time !  
This Monday, we will play Chase the Ace, a fast-paced, super-easy and fun game!  Below is a description.  Buy-in will be only 20 pesos, you will get 4 chips to use as your “lives.”  Come on out and join the fun 🙂
PS:  Pass this on – the more the merrier!

Charli  & Lisa


The Chase the Ace card game also known as Screw Your Neighbor or Cuckoo is a very interesting game that can be played with a group of people. All you need is a standard 52 card deck.

Set Up: The dealer shuffles the cards and deals 1 card face down to all players on the field, that’s it, just 1.
Each player starts with a set number of lives, usually 3 or 4. Your objective to not be the one stuck with the lowest card. Cards go in this order from lowest to highest A,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,J,Q,K, Yes Aces are the lowest. 
Play Chase the Ace: The dealer goes last. The person to the left of the dealer starts and it goes around clockwise until it gets to the dealer. 
When it is your turn you look at your card and can choose 1 of 2 options, you can either choose to keep your card, or you can choose to exchange your card with the person on the left of you.
In which case the person to the left of you has to trade cards with you, unless they have a King. If they have a King they have to show everyone and get to keep their card, and you are stuck with yours. 
This goes around the table until it gets to the dealer. When it is the dealers turn they can choose to keep their card or exchange it with one from the deck. If they exchange it with one from the deck and they draw a King they must return the king and keep their first card. 

Losing a life: When everyone has gone the person with the lowest card loses a life if multiple people have the lowest card they all lose a life. 
How to Win: Once you lose 3 lives you have lost and no longer get cards. You keep playing until everyone but 1 person has lost all 3 of their lives. That person is the winner. 
If the last people lose their last life during the same round you do a rematch between them. 

Final Thoughts: This is a great game not only for families, but also for those times when you have a group of friends over for some cards. The hands are quick and there’s a lot of fun to be had in stealing the cards of your friends. Bluffing is also important as you want the person to your right to think that your card is horrible so they won’t steal yours!

© 2016 El Tigre Leagues