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Couples Golf - 15. page

Couples golf cancellation!

Hola amigos in beautiful Mexico,

Unfortunately couples golf is cancelled for this week as El Tigre will be occupied by an outside group.  Hoping you are able to make other plans.

Couples golf will be returning next Sunday, January 20th.

Francine & Michel

Christmas couples golf

This Sunday we will be playing our own ball , details of the matches will be explained then.

There will be a red and a white team.  The members of the red team are :  Simon, Mary, JO, Louisa, Mark, Laura, Roger, Ria, Woody,  Francine, Michel P., Darlene, Don, Carole, Gerard, and Mary-Lou.  The members of the white team are:  Rosie, Ross, Dina, Joe, Stayce, Duane, Mimi, Petr, Nancy, Michel S., Louise, Wayne, Vivian, Yvan, Lucie and Garnet.

Please wear a big smile along with the colors of your team, if possible.  As usual our tee time is for 10:00. The cost of the evening is 150p per person.

We’re looking forward to have a great time this Sunday.

Francine & Michel


Couples golf Sunday Dec. 9th

Hola amigos, hope everyone is ready for another fun Sunday. The game this week will be teams of four, 1 best ball net on holes 1-6 , 3 bbn on holes 7-12 and 2 bbn on holes 13-18. Cost  is 100 pesos per couple and we play at 10:00h.
Please don’t forget to sign up for Christmas golf and potluck which will be happening on December 16th ( thanks again Marylou )
Francine & Michel

Couples golf and Christmas party

Our Christmas party will take place on December 16th this year.   After golf we will get together at Artesanias for our annual Christmas potluck .  We would like to know as soon as possible who is available and intends to participate.

No money will be involved for the game that day but there will be a fee for the evening as we hired a DJ and  have rented tables and chairs.

Please contact Mary-Lou Plant, our coordonator, ( to tell her what you would like to bring.

More details will follow about the game format, tee time, dinner , etc.

Francine, Michel & Mary-Lou

Sunday’s couples league

Hola, this week we will play as twosomes using the lowest score net of the couple but  using a minimum of 6 low nets for each partner,  which has to be chosen at the completion of each hole.                                                                                                                                                                                                            We are teing off at 10:00 and the cost is 100pesos per couple.
Hasta domingo

Francine & Michel

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