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Couples Golf - 18. page

Sunday couples golf

Hola amigos,

This week’s game will be a modified chapman.  Details will be given to all you Romeos  and Juliets on Sunday.

Tee time is at 10:30 and game is 50 pesos per couple.

Hasta Domingo

Beauty and the Beast

Sunday couples golf

Hola todos,

Since it is Super Bowl Sunday, we will be playing at 10:00h .  Please wear your favorite teams colours.

Francine & Michel

Sunday couples golf

Hi everyone,

This week we’re going to have the option of “another spouse” for the afternoon.  There is absolutely no problem if you prefer playing with your spouse. I just need to know if your changing or not in order to plan the teams.  Please let me know by sending  me an e-mail.

The game will be teams of 2 , we will count the best ball net on each hole.

Game is 50 pesos per couple.

Hasta Domingo a las 10:30.

Francine & Michel



Sunday couples golf

Hola amigos,

What a great turnout we had to start the 2018 season!

This week’s game will be teams of four and we will use one best ball net for ladies and one best ball net for men on each hole.  Game is at 10:30 and cost is 50 pesos per couple.

Have a great week and see you all on Domingo.

Francine & Michel

Sunday couples golf

Hola amigos,


Happy New Year and health to all! We hope everybody had a great Holiday Season!

We are ready,  and hope all of you are ready, to have a good time golfing in 2018.

The game this week will be teams of 4(two couples), using 3 best ball net scores on every hole.  Cost is 50 pesos per couple.

Looking forward to seeing you all domingo for our 10:30 tee time.


Francine & Michel

© 2016 El Tigre Leagues