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Couples Golf - 19. page

Hola todos

This week we will be playing teams of four (2 couples). The game is 2 best ball net, 1 man and 1 ladie’s score per hole. 50 pesos per couple, as usual and teeing off at 10:30h.
Hasta Domingo

Francine & Michel

Couples golf


Hi guys,

It was good to see such a great turnout last week(10 couples).

This Sunday’s format will be a best ball net per hole for each couple, using a minimum of 6 holes per player.  Cost is still 50 pesos per couple and we will all tee off at 10:30h.

Hasta Domingo

Francine & Michel

Couples golf league

Hi everyone,

We hope you all had a great summer. Michel and I are coming back soon in our little paradise and are looking forward to starting a new golf season. So if you’re available, come and join us Sunday November 5th. at 10:30 for a casual gathering.

Hope to see many of you.

Francine & Michel

Couples golf

Hi everyone,

We ended our couples golf season, Michel and I, last Sunday with that beautiful red & blue event and pot luck.
There are only two Sundays left, Easter Sunday, the 9th and Masters Sunday, the 16th. We will ask Phil to keep a couple tee times for those who wish to continue playing. Please register as usual.
We thank you all for your participation, we’re hoping you enjoyed your season as much as we did.

Have a good summer, hasta el año proximo.

Francine & Michel

Couples golf Sunday March 26th

Hola golfistas,

Once again we need your collaboration this week in order to plan our game and pot luck. We therefore ask you to REGISTER BEFORE 10:00 a.m. FRIDAY.
Golf remains at 10:30. We’ll have the red and blue teams like last time and couples will be mixed. We’ll try to let you know by Friday in which team you will be.

Francine & Michel

I have composed a list of foods the couples have signed up to bring Sunday. Looking forward to a great get together. As a reminder for anyone not at this past Sunday couples event.

Carry In held at Playa Royale Sunday the 26th – social (BYOB) at 5pm. If you signed up for an appetizer contribution you need to arrive by 5.

Meal to be served at 6. Marcus suggested we mention that again ; if you planned to reheat, chill, cook on the grill or whatever, the food should be ready at 6.
By my estimates, we should be 35 to 38.

I am providing dessert and plastic ware. ( plates , bowls, spoons,forks,knives, and napkins). I don’t have cups or ice. If you need ice I think you need to bring it. There is a refrigerator, grills, sink at the facility.


Rosie, Mark and Stayce, and Bill and Shelley


Jack and Meredith- Ribs
Duane and Laura
Mike and Sue McDonald – chicken nachos ( this may have been in the appetizer category)
Robert and Gemma- Tatar of tuna
Luisa and Joe Rego – chicken quesadilla soup
Marcus and Diane – grilled arachera steak with peppers and onion
Diane Ray and Adriane – cottage Pie


Mary Lou and Garnett – potatoes
Gérard and Lucie – salad (mango,black bean,tomato)
Brandon and Janet – Kale Caesar
Sharon and a Myles – Layered Salad
Michel and Francine- Asian Salad (salad chinoise)
Bruce and Louise – grilled asparagus

Thanks to Marcus and Diane for reserving this facility for us. A huge thanks to Francine and Michel for organizing couples golf this season!

© 2016 El Tigre Leagues