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Couples golf November 24th

Hola todos,

Our format this week is the waltz. We play in teams of four, using one best ball net on hole #1, 2 bb net on #2 , three bb net on #3 and so on.

Shutgun is at 10:00 but please be ready for  9:40 for informations and holes assignment.

Get those dancing shoes ready!

Hasta Domingo

Francine & Michel

Couples Golf

Hola todos,


Hoping everyone is well and had a good summer.

Starting October 13th at five o’clock (PV time) you’ll be able to register for our first event that will be held on November 10th.

We are still playing every second Sunday at 10:00, the cost of the competition is a 100 pesos per couple and the maximum handicap that can be used is 36.

Further information will follow regarding the format of the competition.

Hoping you’re all looking forward to a new season amongst old and new friends.


Francine y Michel

Sunday April 7th

Hola todos,

This week we will count 2 bb net per hole; One per couple on odd holes and the bb of the men + the bb of the women on even holes.

shot gun at 10:00, 100 pesos per couple and maximum handicap 36.

Looking forward to seeing you all for this last event of the season.

Francine & Michel

Sunday March 10th

Hola todos,

This week’s game is a four person shamble and we’ll use 80% of the handicaps.

All four players tee off on every hole.  The team choose the best drive and everyone hits their second shot from that position, (staying in the same type of lie), playing their own ball for the rest of the hole.  Three drives must be taken from each player.  9 two net scores and 9 three nets scores will count.  After each hole is completed, the team decides if they use two or trhee net scores.

shot gun at 10:00, 100 pesos per couple and maximum handicap 36.

Best of luck to all.   Hope this game is not too complicated.


Francine & Michel




Hola todos,

This week we’ll play a 6,6,6 game in teams of four using two best balls net on each hole.

On holes 1 through 6, the best ball  net of each couple – holes 7 through 12,  the best ball  net of the men and  the best ball net of the ladies and to finish, holes 13 through 18 , the two best balls net of the foursome.

Shot gun start at 10:00, cost per couple is 100 pesos and the maximum handicap allowed is 36.

Hasta Domingo

Francine & Michel


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