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Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, January 9th, 2019

Welcome all El Tigre golfers,

The game for this Wednesday, January 9th will be a four person Team Stableford competition. As a reminder, Team Stableford is a point system format with each player gaining points for their net score on each hole. Net eagles 5 points, net birdies 3 points, net pars 2 points and net bogeys 1 point. The team with the most points accumulated at the completion of 18 holes will be your winner.


Please record all gross/net scores on your scorecard for all team players. Also, for each hole include a team total based on the point system described above. Remember to also circle any gross deuces on your card for any player that recorded a gross birdie on any of the par 3’s or a gross eagle on any of the par 4’s.  Lastly, please remember to repair divot holes, ball marks and smooth any footprints in bunkers.


Good luck to everyone. Also, many thanks to our El Capitan for helping me out and running things while I have been tied up with family issues and making frequent trips to Texas. Myles’s help is greatly appreciated.


I wish everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!


New 2019 Golf Rules

As you undoubtedly know, the USGA and RCGA have implemented numerous changes to the Rules of Golf. Those rules are now in effect, so we all need to become familiar with them. Keith Bell provided us with a nice summary in PDF form, and it is available here.

Mens Mixer January 2, 2019

Hello Everyone,

The game for this week is: The 2 man Blind Draw. Record your net score for the round. 2 man teams will be drawn after.

Golf tee off time is 09:00 hours. Price is 100 pesos. The peso’s will be collected by Woody Steinhoff. Thank you Woody.

Keep up pace of play. Fill your divots and others.


El Capitan

Pickleball Interest?

My apologies for misusing this golf list, but just this once….


If you play pickleball, or are interested in learning, please leave a comment here. Further communication will be by email only to those who indicate interest.


Duane Bender

Phil Woodrum is leaving

Please see below the message from Phil and Patti.

Dear Members,
It is with both joy and sadness that I announce my resignation from El Tigre on December 3O, 2018. Joy because we are moving to North Carolina as the Vice President of Golf Operations to a company of 13 golf courses, expanding to 23 by the end of next year. Sadness in the fact that we are leaving a facility, membership, and staff that we have grown to love.
Either like or dislike what I have done in the past, we, along with a lot of work from our terrific staff, have accomplished some of the following things:
Brought the golf course back from terrible condition, with the greens worst of all, into one if not the finest facility in the Banderas Bay area.
Re-made our Golf Shop into a festive place, even with the high tariffs that we are paying for merchandise.
Led the way for the first purchase, and then this year the second, of new golf carts with the Visage GPS Systems.
Overseen the expansion of the membership, the Men´s, Ladies, and Couples Leagues.
Assisted the staff in refining their customer service into the best in the area.
We have done this all in the fairest way possible, treating each member as equals, applying the rules the same to all, and still have increased the outside play which has kept your dues down.
We have not accomplished this on our own and wish to thank the following:
The Sovernigo Family. While they do not know about golf, they have supported me and the golf course always. Decisions that have been made without having extensive golf knowledge, but in the end, the right decisions are made. It is extremely hard to set up an entire operation like Paradise Village and to get every decision right. However, they have constantly made improvements in front and behind the scenes. We thank them for the opportunity to work here.
The Staff. The managers and staff here are tireless in their efforts to the membership and guests. They put up with the bad days and still have a smile during their work time. They are a joy to be around and will continue to make every day great for the members.
The Membership,even though we have had our differences, we respect your membership and your friendship. We have tried to improve the facilities that you use every year, even though you might not see all the changes. You will be missed.
In closing, we will miss El Tigre.

Phil and Patti

© 2016 El Tigre Leagues