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General - 2. page

Maximum players

On request of El Tigre Golf Club, the leagues have agreed to limit the number of players for each event. The maximum number of players per event set by the Club is as follows:
Skins Game: 24
Women League:40
Men League:56
Couples Golf:52

Maximum players and registered players on calendar
Now you will see numbers below each checkbox on your Leagues’ calendar: number of players registered and maximum players. For example, there are 45 men registered out of a maximum of 56 for the Men League on Wednesday 29th.

If you click the checkbox and save the change, you’ll now see 46 players registered out of 56.

Number of registered players increase and decrease as players sign in or sign out and save their change.
Don’t forget to save your changes.

Maximum players reached
When the maximum number of players has been reached and you have not registered, the checkbox is grayed out and you cannot register for the event. See example below for 8th. You can go back later and watch if there is a spot available.
If the checkbox is active, you have already registered. Nothing to do if you still want to play. See example below for 15th. But, if you do not want to play, you should sign out and give another player the chance to register.

Check your calendar
Check your calendar often to make sure it reflects your playing intentions. This is now more important with a maximum players per event. As soon as you know you will not be playing when you have signed in, sign out as soon as possible to give another player a chance to sign in.

As usual, you can sign in or sign out until the day before each event at 3:00 PM (2:00 PM for Women League).

See this post as PDF

Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, October 18th, 2023

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

This Wednesday we will be playing a four-person “waltz” team game. All teams will need to record one best ball net score for hole 1, two best ball net scores for hole 2, and three best ball net scores for hole 3 and this pattern will be repeated for all of the remaining holes. Please provide gross and net scores for all players on your team and also provide team summary scores for the front nine, the back nine and the total 18-hole score. Lastly, please circle all gross deuces (2’s) on your scorecard and remember to repair all divots and rake out any bunkers.

Lastly, please make sure that you have updated the calendar at your earliest convenience, if you have not already done so.

Good luck to all players!


Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, April 19th, 2023

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

This Wednesday we will be playing a four-person team game, where all teams will need to count 3 best ball net scores for all par 3’s and also for all par 5’s and only 2 best ball net scores for all par 4’s.  Please provide gross and net scores for all players on your team and also provide team summary scores for the front nine, the back nine and the total 18-hole score. Lastly, please circle all gross deuces (2’s) on your scorecard and remember to repair all divots and rake out any bunkers.

Good luck to all players!


Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, March 15th, 2023

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

This Wednesday we will be playing a four-person “red-white-blue” pin placement team game, where all teams will need to use three best ball net scores for all red pins, two best ball net scores for all white pins and only one best ball net score for all blue pin. Please provide gross and net scores for all players on your team and also provide team summary scores for the front nine, the back nine and the total 18-hole score. Also, please circle all gross deuces (2’s) on your scorecard and remember to repair all divots and rake out any bunkers.

Good luck to all players!


Get course handicap from a valid golf index

A new fonction has been added to the El Tigre Leagues website.
You have a guest or you know somebody who has a valid golf index and you want convert this index into a course handicap.
This new feature allows you to convert any valid golf index to a course handicap for the El Tigre course or any other course in the world.
Here is the way to use this new feature.
On the main menu go to ‘Myhandicap’ then choose ‘Handicaps & scores’ tab at the top. You will see this new part with two links

Click on one of the links. You will be redirect to a new page. On this page enter an index in the input text box. Then click on appropriate button to get the course handicap.

© 2016 El Tigre Leagues