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Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, January 25th

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

This Wednesday we will be playing a four-person “reverse waltz” team game where all teams will need to use three best ball net scores on hole 1, two best ball net scores on hole 2 and only one best ball net score on hole 3 and this pattern will continue throughout the remaining holes. Please provide gross and net scores for all players on your team and also provide team summary scores for the front nine, the back nine and the total 18-hole score. Lastly, please circle all gross deuces (2’s) on your scorecard and remember to repair all divots and rake out any bunkers.

Please arrive early: Since we now have a high number of players, I would strongly recommend that all players arrive no later than 8:30 and be prepared to go out by 8:45 AM.

Gringo Classic Event: Also, if you have not already done so, please make sure that you sign up to play in the Gringo Classic event, that will be played on Tuesday, February 28th and Wednesday, March 1st. A recent post was sent out by Alan Bayliss that provides all the details concerning this much cherished annual event.

Good luck to all players!


Calendar update

December is now here.
Be sure to sign in for your next leagues events.
Don’t forget to update your El Tigre Leagues calendar for December.

Updated Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, November 30th, 2022

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

I spoke with Don yesterday and we agreed to make a few changes to our two-person team event scheduled for tomorrow.

We will stay with our two-person team game, but we will add a third section that will include a best ball format. For holes 1 – 6, all teams will play a traditional scramble game. For holes 7 – 12 all teams will play an alternate shot game, and for holes 13 to 18 all teams will play a traditional best ball game. Each team will only need to record one score for all holes. Normal scramble rules will apply on holes 1-6, and for the alternate shot game (holes 7 – 12) each team member will take a tee shot and for the second shot each player will play their partner’s ball. After each player has played a second shot, they can then choose which ball to play next using the alternate shot format. For the par 3, 12th hole, each player will play a tee shot and they will then decide which ball they will play next, using the alternate shot format. This pattern is continued until the hole is completed. For the last 6 holes we will be playing a traditional best ball game where the best net score for each team is used. All teams will be asked to play from the White/Gold tee boxes and for handicapping purposes (this will only apply to the best ball game for holes 13 -18) we would ask that all players to use their White/Gold handicaps. If you do not know your White/Gold handicap, please ask one of the caddies to provide you with this information. An updated handicap list of all members is available in the caddie shed building.

Additional announcements/clarifications will be made on Wednesday morning to ensure that all teams are competitive. Please record only the team gross score for holes 1 – 12 and provide summary scores for the first six holes (1 – 6), and the second six holes (7 – 12). Also, record the best team net score for the last six holes (13 to 18), and lastly please provide a team summary score for all 18 holes.

I promise that for the following week we will make it easier. Also, please circle all gross deuces (2’s) on your scorecard and remember to repair all divots and rake out any bunkers.

Good luck to all players!


Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, November 2nd, 2022

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

This Wednesday we will be playing a four-person team best ball game commonly referred to as the Waltz. Each team will need to record one best ball net score for hole number 1, two net best balls for hole number 2, three net best balls for hole number 3 and this pattern will repeat for all of the remaining holes. Please record the gross and net score for all players on your team and also the net best ball team score for each hole and provide summary scores for the front 9, the back 9 and the total 18-hole score. Also, please circle all gross deuces (2’s) on your scorecard and remember to repair all divots and rake out any bunkers.

Good luck to all players!


Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, May 18th, 2022

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

This Wednesday we will be a playing a two-person Scramble team game. Following normal scramble rules, both players will start each hole by each player hitting a drive (or tee shot) and then deciding which ball to play. This process will be followed until the hole is completed. Each team will then need to record their team score for the hole and for handicapping purposes we will use 25% of the combined handicaps for the two team players based on each players “white tee” handicap designation. All teams will need to provide team score summaries for the front 9, the back 9 and the total 18-hole score. Also, please circle all gross deuces (2’s) on your scorecard and remember to repair all divots.

Reminder: Men’s League guidelines concerning unvaccinated players: The following agreement was reached by the Men’s League members: If you are unvaccinated, you need to let Markus know of your status by sending him a private email ( that will be kept confidential. For all other players, if you do not want to be paired with an unvaccinated player, you need to let Markus know of your request by sending him a private email that will also be kept confidential. Based on this information, Markus will be able to modify any of the computer-generated pairings to make sure that everyone’s wishes are honored. Thank you for your support and understanding.

Good luck to all players!


© 2016 El Tigre Leagues