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Gringo Classic 2025 – Update

First, we want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year.

We are assuming that January 2025 will have a  growing interest due to the deadline for registration for the tournament is 1 February 2025.

Below is a list of the people that have paid in full and receipts has been provided for The Gringo Classic 2025.

31/72 players

23 December 2024

NAMEs paid in full.      TEAM.      TEE BOX.   Meal

  1. Charles King.             Either.         WHITE.    HAM
  2. Wayne. Stilwells      INTER.         GOLD.      FD
  3. Joe Tilly.                     CAN.           GOLD.      FD
  4. Ron Dunlop.                 CAN.           GOLD.     FD
  5. Markus Gmelin.          INTER.        GOLD.      FD
  6. Larry Klaus.                 CAN.          GOLD.    HAM
  7. Don Umback.             CAN            GOLD.     FD
  8. Randy Nault                CAN          WHITE.    FD
  9. YUKON Don.                ?                   ?             ?
  10.  Francis Bast.            CAN.          GOLD.      FD


  1. Ron Volk.                   INT.            GOLD.     FD
  2.  Barry Ennis.             CAN.          GOLD.      FD
  3.  Barry Kerfoot.        Either.         WHITE.    FD
  4.  Rod Spence.               ?           ?          ?
  5. Colin Rasmussen         ?           WHITE         ?
  6.  Andy Schmidt.         ?      GOLD    ?
  7.  Brad St Pierre          INTER.     GOLD.      ?
  8. Wally Antoniuk.       CAN.      WHITE.     FD
  9. Greg Kneale.            INTER.    GOLD.       HAM
  10. Jamie Wells.             CAN       WHITE        ?


  1. Allan Bayliss.           CAN          ?          ?
  2. Collucci Marchello.    CAN        ?          FD
  3. Jim Redmond                INT.    ?       ?
  4. JO                                  INT.    GOLD      ?
  5. Mike Caldwell (G).        INT.    ?       ?
  6. Allen Schioamke (G).   INT.    ?       ?
  7. Rob Christian (G).          INT.    ?       ?
  8. Bruce Otto.                   CAN.  WHITE.  ?
  9. Tim  Kerslake.             ?         ?          ?
  10. George Erhart.                ?         ?          ?


  1. Greg Hasenoehrl       Either. WHITE.  FD


Merry Christmas & Happy Christmas

Charles King



Men’s Mixer – No Men’s League Golf Next Wednesday, December 25th, 2024

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

I spoke with Don Marshall a few days ago and he informed me that based on the results of a discussion he had with the members last week, it was agreed that we would cancel our normal Men’s League event for next Wednesday, which is also Christmas day. Informally, some of the players indicated that they were planning on playing next Wednesday and you have the option of joining them if you would like to do so.

Don also provided a great update concerning the very successful results achieved in support of our annual holiday fundraising collection efforts in support of the El Tigre golf staff. Many thanks for your very generous contributions.

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a wonderful holiday season.


Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, December 18th, 2024

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

This Wednesday we will be playing a four-person scramble team game with normal scramble rules being used. All teams will need to use a minimum of 4 tee shots from each player. For scoring purposes, only one gross score will need to be recorded for each hole with summaries for the front nine, the back nine and the total 18 holes. There will be no deuce payouts for any natural birdies on any of the par 3 holes for this week only.

Reminder: Please make sure that you repair all of your divots and also rake out from any bunker that you may have entered.

Annual Holiday Fundraising Collection Ends this Wednesday: If you have not yet made a contribution to the Employee Holiday/Christmas Fund this will be your last opportunity to do so.

Good luck to all golfers!


Gringo Classic 2025 – Update

UPDATE: 6 December 2024

This Year’s Team Captains are
Captain…………… …….Wally Antoniuk
Assistant Captain…… Francis Bast

Captain………………….. Brad St Pierre
Assistant Captain…….. Ron Volk

A few people are asking, why is the collection for the Gringo very early this year? The goal of the Committee would like the support from the Members to have the majority of registers/paid in full by 2nd week of January 2025. So, the Committee can order the gifts and have them delivered in time for the event. However, saying this the deadline for registration is 1 February 2025.

Also having early registration provides an adequate budget plan. In the last few years, a person has purchased gifts and paid outstanding balance for the draft night bill out of his own personal funds. So the Committee had to hold a 50/50 draw during the event to raise funds to recoup funds for the person. This is not right that someone needs to be carried this burden.

This is why we are asking to register early this year.

Below is a list of the people that have paid in full and receipts has been provided for The Gringo Classic 2025.

13/76 players
NAMEs paid in full. TEAM. TEE BOX. Meal requests
1. Charles King. Either. WHITE. HAM
2. Wayne. Stilwells INTER. GOLD. FD
3. Joe Tilly. CAN. GOLD. FD
4. Ron Dunlop. CAN. GOLD. FD
5. Markus Gmelin. INTER. GOLD. FD
6. Larry Klaus. CAN. GOLD. HAM
7. Don Umback. CAN GOLD. FD
8. Randy Nault CAN WHITE. FD
9. YUKON Don. ? ? ?
10. Francis Bast. CAN. GOLD. FD
11. Ron Volk. INT. GOLD. FD
12. Barry Ennis. CAN. GOLD. FD
13. Barry Kerfoot. Either. WHITE. FD

Enterance/Registration information

In person to Charles King or E-Transfer Mexican bank to Mexican bank.
CLABE #  136375079541700172
BANK:  Intercam Banco
NAME: Charles Frederick King

Charles King email or Whatapp +52 322 124 1446 with any questions or concerns.

Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, December 11th, 2024

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

This Wednesday we will be playing a four-person “red-white-blue” team game. All teams will need to include three best ball net scores for all holes with “blue” pins, two best ball net scores for all holes with “white” pins and only one best ball net score for all holes with “red” pins. For scoring purposes, please record both gross and net scores for all players and provide team score summaries for the front nine, the back nine and the total 18 holes. Also, please circle any gross deuce (2) that any player recorded on any of the Par 3 holes.

Reminder: Please make sure that you repair all of your divots and also rake out from any bunker that you may have entered.

Annual Holiday Fundraising Collection Continues this Week: We will continue a long-standing tradition of taking up a holiday collection in support of our El Tigre golf club employees. This is being undertaken by all of the El Tigre Leagues (Men’s League, Women’s League, Couple’s League and the Skin’s League). All funds collected from the four leagues will be consolidated and each employee will receive an envelope prior to Christmas with a holiday thank you message from the leagues along with a cash award. We will continue taking up collections from our members this upcoming Wednesday. Your financial support is greatly appreciated!

Good luck to all golfers!


© 2016 El Tigre Leagues