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Mens League - 32. page

Men’s Mixer – December 9th, 2020

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

The game for this upcoming Wednesday will be a four person team game using a three person Stableford scoring system. For team scoring purposes, all teams will need to count the three best “net” scores for each hole. A net bogie gets 1 point, a net par gets 2 points, a net birdie get 3 points, a net eagle gets 4 points and a net double eagle gets 6 points. Please record both gross and net scores for all players on your team and provide team scoring summaries for the front 9, the back 9 and the total 18 hole score. Remember also to circle any gross deuces (2’s) and repair all divots.

We have now begun our annual Members Christmas Donation campaign in support of the El Tigre Golf Course staff. This campaign is scheduled to run from now until December 16th. Any and all donations are greatly appreciated. Anyone making a cash contribution can give their contribution to either Alan Bayliss or myself. We will have a collection envelope for this purpose at the upcoming Wednesday Men’s League events. Cash contributions can also be made to Steve Johnson. For those members that are not here and that would like to make a contribution, we are currently investigating several third party payment provider options (eg. Remitly, PayPal and others) that may provide a workable solution. We will update you on the results of this effort shortly.

Good luck to all golfers!


Men’s Mixer – December 2nd, 2020

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

The game for next Wednesday will be a four person team game consisting of the reverse waltz. All teams will need to count three net best balls on hole # 1, two net best balls on hole # 2, and one net best ball on hole # 3….and this pattern continues for all 18 holes. All teams should record both gross and net scores for all players on all holes and provide team score summaries for the front 9, the back nine and the 18 hole total score.

The new scorecards are now available, along with new handicap designations for all holes. There are many changes. For example hole #10 is now handicap # 18, hole # 5 is now handicap # 1 and hole # 15 is now handicap # 14. All teams will need to use these new handicaps when completing their scorecards. As usual, please circle any gross deuces (2’s) and repair all divots.

Good luck to all golfers!


Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, November 25th

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

The game for this upcoming Wednesday will be the “red-white-blue” four person team game. For team scoring purposes all teams will need to record one “net” best ball for all red pins, two “net” best balls for all white pins, and three “net” best balls for all blue pins. All teams should record both gross and net scores for all players on all holes and provide team score summaries for the front nine, the back nine and the total 18 hole score.

Please remember to circle any gross deuces (“2’s”) on your card and repair all divots. Good luck to all golfers.


Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, November 18th

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

The game for next Wednesday, will be a four person team game using the Stableford scoring format. Each team will need to count the two best “net” scores for each hole. All teams should record both gross and net scores for all holes for all players and also record team Stableford summary scores for the front 9, the back 9 and the total 18 hole score.

Please remember to circle any gross deuces “2’s” on your scorecard and also repair all divots. Good luck to all golfers!


Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, November 11th

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

This Wednesday, we will be playing the four person “waltz” team game. Each team will record one best ball net score for hole number one, two best ball net scores for hole number two and three net best ball for hole number three….and this pattern will repeat for all 18 holes. All teams will need to record both gross and net scores from all players for all holes. Each team will also need to record a summary team score for the front nine, the back nine and the total 18 hole score. Please remember to repair all divots during your course of play.

Good luck to all players!


© 2016 El Tigre Leagues