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Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, November 4th

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

Welcome Back! For this Wednesday’s event we will play a best ball two person team game. Each team will need to record both net scores and gross scores for all players on all holes. For team scoring purposes, provide the best net score for each hole and provide a summary for the front 9, the back nine and the total 18 holes score.

The entry fee will continue to be $100 pesos per player. I will be collecting the money on Wednesday morning. All players will need to follow the new covid health guidelines that have been put in place by the golf course management. We will have a brief discussion with the members on Wednesday morning (prior to tee off), to determine if we need to make any additional modifications to our Men’s Mixer event.

Please remember to repair all divots. Good luck to all golfers.


Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, November 4th, 2020

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

I recently spoke with Steve Johnson and we are all set for the upcoming 2020/2021 Men’s League season. The season officially starts on November 4th, 2020 and goes through April of 2021. The calendar has been updated accordingly and everyone can now login to the site and click on those dates that expect to be playing in the Men’s League event. As usual we will look to tee off promptly at 9:00 am.

I understand from Steve and others that the course is in great shape. I will send out a follow up post no later than November 1st to announce the game that we will be playing on November 4th. I wish everyone safe travels and continued good health and I look forward to seeing everyone when you get back to Mexico.

Best regards,


Cancellation of Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, March 25th

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

I have just learned that the government of Nayarit has issued special guidelines directed at addressing the current Corona virus situation. As a result of these government sponsored mandates, Paradise Village Group has made a decision to close the El Tigre golf course, the El Tigre Sports Club and the Beach Club. The closures are effective today and they will be in effect for at least the next 7 days.

It has been a great year for the Men’s Mixer golf league and I am very sorry that we have been forced to end our season prematurely due to these very unfortunate circumstances. I wish everyone the very best of health, safe travels and I look forward to a resuming our golf in the Fall.

Warmest regards,


Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, March 18th

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

The game for this Wednesday will be a four person Stableford team scoring event. For each hole, teams will need to record net score points from all team members using the following scoring process; 1 point for any net bogeys, 2 points for any net pars, 3 points for any net birdies and four points for any net eagles. As usual, please record both gross and net scores for all players on your team and provide team summaries for the front 9, back 9 and the total 18 hole score. Lastly, circle all gross deuces “2’s”, repair all divots and rake out any bunkers that you may have entered. Good luck to all golfers!


Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, March 11th

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

The game for this upcoming Wednesday will be the popular “Skin’s 1-2-3” game that is played every Monday and Friday. It is a four person team game and each team will be required to count one net best ball on holes 1 – 6, two net best balls on holes 7 – 12 and three net best balls on holes 13 – 18. All teams will need to record both gross and net scores for all players and provide team summaries for holes 1 – 6, 7 – 12, 13 – 18 and the total 18 hole team score. Also, please circle any gross deuces “2’s”, repair all divots and rake out any bunkers that you may have entered. Good luck to all golfers.


© 2016 El Tigre Leagues