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Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, November 20th, 2019

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

The game for November 20th will be a four person team event, commonly referred to as the Reversed Waltz. Each team will count three net scores for hole # 1, two net scores for hole # 2 and one net score for hole # 3, and this pattern will continue for all 18 holes. For team scoring purposes, please record both gross scores and net scores (for all holes) for all players on your team and include summary scores for the front nine, the back nine and the total 18 score. Also, please remember to circle any gross deuces (2) for any of your team players. Please observe good golf etiquette by repairing all divots and raking out any bunkers that you may have entered.

This is also your final reminder for the two day golf event, open to all golf members and social members for Friday, November 22nd and Saturday, November 23rd that will include dinner (Saturday night), awards, welcome gifts and prizes. The entry fee for this event is only $99 USD per person for golf members and $225 USD for social members and the event is filling up fast. Steve has also arranged for some great entertainment for the Saturday night dinner event. Limited dinner tickets are also available for non-playing spouses or guests. You can sign up for this event at the El Tigre golf shop, but please remember that the deadline to sign up for the event is this upcoming Wednesday, November 20th.

Gook luck to all golfers!


Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, November 13th

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

The game for next Wednesday, November 13th, will be a four person Nassau team game. For scoring purposes, each team will use the best two net scores for each hole. Please record both gross and net scores for all team players on all holes and provide a summary team score for the front nine, the back nine and total 18 holes. Also, make sure that you circle any deuces (“2”). Please repair all divots and rake our any bunker that you may have entered.

Lastly don’t forget to sign up (at the golf shop) for the two day golf tournament that will take place on Friday, November 22nd and Saturday, November 23rd (including welcome gifts, prizes and awards dinner Saturday evening). The total cost for the event is only $99 USD for golf members and $225 USD for social members.

Good luck to all golfers!


Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, November 6th, 2019

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

The game for November 6th will be a four person team event, commonly referred to as the Waltz. Each team will count one net score for hole # 1, two net scores for hole # 2 and three net scores for hole # 3, and this pattern will continue for all 18 holes. For team scoring purposes, please record both gross scores and net scores (for all holes) for all players on your team and include summary scores for the front nine, the back nine and the total 18 score. Also, please remember to circle any gross deuces (2) for any of your team players. Please observe good golf etiquette by repairing all divots and raking out any bunkers that you may have entered. The per person entry fee for the weekly Men’s Mixer event will remain the same as last year, $100 pesos per player.

Finally, please know that Steve Johnson has put together an exciting two day golf event, open to all golf members and social members for Friday, November 22nd and Saturday, November 23rd that will include dinner (Saturday night), awards, welcome gifts and prizes. The entry fee for this event is only $99 USD per person for golf members and $225 USD for social members and the event is filling up fast. You can sign up for this event at the El Tigre golf shop.

Gook luck to all golfers!


Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, November 6th, 2019

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

I hope that everyone had a fantastic summer. We are all set to formally begin the Fall 2019 Men’s League season, beginning Wednesday, November 6th, 2019 at 9:00 AM. Steve Johnson and his staff have done a great job with the course and it is in great shape. The calendar has been updated and I would encourage everyone to sign up and check off those dates that you expect to be playing. I will send out a follow up post early in November containing specific information concerning the game that we will be playing on November 6th.

Best regards, Markus

Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, May 1st

Hola El Tigre Golfers,


For the final official Men’s Mixer event of the season, our game will be a blind draw. All players should record both gross and net scores for each hole and provide summaries for the front nine, back nine and overall score. Also, please remember to circle any “deuces”, repair all divots and rake out any footprints in the bunkers. I would also encourage all players to check to make sure that you have checked off your calendar to play in the May 1st event, if you have not already done so.

It has been a great season and I am sure that everyone is looking forward to resuming play in early November. I wish everyone safe travels and a wonderful summer.


© 2016 El Tigre Leagues