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Mens League - 37. page

Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, May 1st

Hola El Tigre Golfers,


For the final official Men’s Mixer event of the season, our game will be a blind draw. All players should record both gross and net scores for each hole and provide summaries for the front nine, back nine and overall score. Also, please remember to circle any “deuces”, repair all divots and rake out any footprints in the bunkers. I would also encourage all players to check to make sure that you have checked off your calendar to play in the May 1st event, if you have not already done so.

It has been a great season and I am sure that everyone is looking forward to resuming play in early November. I wish everyone safe travels and a wonderful summer.


Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, April 24th

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

This Wednesday, April 24th we will play the four person team “1-2-3” game. For team scoring purposes, we will count a single net best ball on hole #1, two net best balls on hole #2, and three net best balls on hole #3, and continue this pattern.  Please add all team scores for each hole using this scoring format and provide summaries for the front 9, the back 9 and for your total 18 hole team score. Also please circle all deuces, repair any divots and rake out any footprints in the bunkers. Good luck to all.


Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, April 17th

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

This Wednesday, April 17th we will play a four person team Nassau event. For team scoring purposes, we will count the two best net scores for each hole. Please add all team scores for each hole using this scoring format and provide summaries for the front 9, the back 9 and for your total 18 hole team score. Also please circle all deuces, repair any divots and rake out any footprints in the bunkers. Good luck to all.


Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, April 10th, 2019

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

This Wednesday, April 10th we will play a four person team Stableford event. For team scoring purposes each player on your team will get 4 points for a net eagle, 3 points for a net birdy, 2 points for a net par, 1 point for a net bogey and zero points for a net double bogey. Please add all team scores for each hole using this scoring format and provide summaries for the front 9, the back 9 and for your total 18 hole team score. Also please circle all deuces, repair any divots and rake out any footprints in the bunkers.

I will not be able to attend this Wednesday’s golf event. If anyone needs to add a guest, please contact Myles McDonald as he will be overseeing the event this upcoming Wednesday. Good luck to all.




Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, April 3rd, 2019

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

The game for this Wednesday (April 3rd) will be the four person “red, white and blue” team game. The following scoring sequence will be used; 1 net scores for all red pins, 2 net scores for all white pins, and 3 net score for all blue pins. Please record all gross and net scores for all team players and provide team summaries per hole, for the front 9, the back 9 and your total 18 score. Also, please circle all “deuces”. Lastly, please remember to repair all divots and rake out any footprints in the bunkers. Good luck to all players!



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