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Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, December 4th, 2024

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

This Wednesday we will be playing a four-person “reverse waltz” team game. Beginning on hole # 1 each team will need to include three best ball net scores, for hole # 2 each team will need to include two best ball net scores, for hole # 3 each team will need to include only one best ball net score, and this pattern will repeat for all of the remaining holes (3-2-1, 3-2-1, etc.). For scoring purposes, please record both gross and net scores for all players and provide team score summaries for the front nine, the back nine and the total 18 holes. Also, please circle any gross deuce (2) that any player recorded on any of the Par 3 holes.

Reminder: Please make sure that you repair all of your divots and also rake out from any bunker that you may have entered.

Annual Holiday Fundraising Collection Continues this Week: We will continue a long-standing tradition of taking up a holiday collection in support of our El Tigre golf club employees. This is being undertaken by all of the El Tigre Leagues (Men’s League, Women’s League, Couple’s League and the Skin’s League). All funds collected from the four leagues will be consolidated and each employee will receive an envelope prior to Christmas with a holiday thank you message from the leagues along with a cash award. We will continue taking up collections from our members this upcoming Wednesday. Your financial support is greatly appreciated!

Good luck to all golfers!


Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, November 27th, 2024

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

This Wednesday we will be playing a four-person team game where each team will need to include three best ball net scores for all Par 3 holes, two best ball net scores for all Par 4 holes and only one best ball net score for all Par 5 holes. For scoring purposes, please record both gross and net scores for all players and provide team score summaries for the front nine, the back nine and the total 18 holes. Also, please circle any gross deuce (2) that any player recorded on any of the Par 3 holes.

Reminder: Please make sure that you repair all of your divots and also rake out from any bunker that you may have entered.

Annual Holiday Fundraising Collection Starts this Week: We will continue a long-standing tradition of taking up a holiday collection in support of our El Tigre golf club employees. This effort will be undertaken by all of the El Tigre Leagues (Men’s League, Women’s League, Couple’s League and the Skin’s League). All funds collected from the four leagues will be consolidated and each employee will receive an envelope prior to Christmas with a holiday thank you message from the leagues along with a cash award. We will begin taking up collections from our members this upcoming Wednesday. Your financial support is greatly appreciated!

Good luck to all golfers!



DATE:  25-26 FEBRUARY 2025

NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________

1. CANADIAN                        2. INTERNATIONAL  or             3. NO PREFERENCE
Tee box
1. GOLDs                    2. WHITEs or                    3. NO PREFERENCE.
Not guaranteed day of the event but the Committee will try their best to accommodate.

YES                    or NO

MEAL (last day of the event):
1. Burger                                 2. French Dip  or                          3. VEGETARIAN meal.

$1,500  PAID IN FULL this provides a hat, golf towel and a meal last day of the event.

The Committee will decide the best way to spend the remainder of the funds.  For example draft night venue MTF.
Maximum 48 players (24 on each team).

NOW to 31 December 2024 Members only.
1 January – 1 February 2025 Members and Guest.
Last day of registration 1 February 2025 or when we achieved 48 participants paid in full.
A waiting list will be created if necessary.

Before 2 February 2025 will be given.  After the deadline a refund will be made only if the player is replaced by another participant.

In person to Charles King or E-Transfer Mexican bank to Mexican bank.
CLABE #  136375079541700172
BANK:  Intercam Banco
NAME: Charles Frederick King

Please send a message when transfer is made to confirm. After payment is received, I will gather information regarding the registration form.

Charles King email or Whatapp +52 322 124 1446 with any questions or concerns.


NAME/SIGNATURE.     ________________________________________________________



NOMBRE: ____________________________________________________________________________



1. CANADIENSE                      2. INTERNACIONAL o                     3. SIN PREFERENCIA
Caja de tee
1. ORO            2. BLANCO o                   3. SIN PREFERENCIA.
No se garantiza el día del evento, pero el Comité hará todo lo posible para adaptarse.


Sí o                  no

COMIDA (último día del evento):
1. Hamburguesa                  2. Dip Francés o                                  3. Comida VEGETARIANA.

$1,500 PAGADO EN COMPLETO, esto proporciona un sombrero, una toalla de golf y una comida el último día del evento.

El Comité decidirá la mejor manera de gastar el resto de los fondos.  Por ejemplo, proyecto de lugar nocturno MTF.
Máximo 48 jugadores (24 en cada equipo).

AHORA hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2024 Solo para miembros.
1 de enero – 1 de febrero de 2025 Socios e Invitados.
Último día de inscripción 1 de febrero de 2025 o cuando logremos 48 participantes pagados en su totalidad.
Se creará una lista de espera si es necesario.

Se entregará antes del 2 de febrero de 2025.  Después de la fecha límite se realizará un reembolso sólo si el jugador es reemplazado por otro participante.

PAGO:En persona a Charles King o por transferencia electrónica de banco mexicano a banco mexicano.
CLABE # 136375079541700172
BANCO: Intercam Banco
NOMBRE: Carlos Federico Rey

Por favor envíe un mensaje cuando se realice la transferencia para confirmar. Después de recibir el pago, recopilaré información sobre el formulario de registro.

INFORMACIÓN DEL CONTACTO:Charles King envíe un correo electrónico a o Whatapp +52 322 124 1446 con cualquier pregunta o inquietud.


NOMBRE/FIRMA. ________________________________________________________


Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, November 20th, 2024

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

This Wednesday we will be playing a four-person team game using Stableford scoring. All four-person teams will need to include three best ball net scores for all holes using the following scoring calculations: 1 point for a net bogey, 2 points for a net par, 3 points for a net birdie, 5 points for a net eagle and 7 points for a net double eagle. For scoring purposes, please record both gross and net scores for all players and provide team score summaries for the front nine, the back nine and the total 18 holes.

Reminder: Please make sure that you repair all of your divots and that you also rake out from any bunker that you may have entered.

Good luck to all golfers!


Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, November 13th, 2024

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

This Wednesday we will be playing our first two-person team game, whereby all teams will need to record only one best ball net score. For scoring purposes, please record both gross and net scores for all players and provide team score summaries for the front nine, the back nine and the total 18 holes.

Reminder: Please make sure that you repair all of your divots and that you also rake out from any bunker that you may have entered.

Good luck to all golfers!


© 2016 El Tigre Leagues