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Mens Mixer February 20, 2019

Hello Golfers,

Another beautiful day in Vallarta. We will be playing the Red flag, White flag, Blue flag game this week, recording 1 net score on the red flag holes, 3 net scores on the white flag holes, and 2 net score on the blue flag holes.

Golf tee off time is 09:00 hours. Price is 100 pesos. The peso’s will be collected by Keith Bell this week. Thank you Keith.

Record your players gross/net scores on the upper part of card, and keep the net total number and the +/-format in the bottom rows for each hole. Also, record all gross deuces made by circling the score on the card.

Keep pace of play, and use those sand bottles, especially between the exit points and the green (ie: take a bottle with you).

For the Gringo Classic players: Please read the post on the website, and have your payment to me by the February 20th (Mens Mixer). I will be collecting after skins (3PM on Monday the 18th) also. Thank you for your consideration in this matter.

Until Wednesday…….

El Capitan

Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, February 13th

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

For this upcoming Wednesday will be taking a page out of the Monday/Friday Skins game event. We will play a four person team game where each team will use one net score for holes 1 – 6, two net scores for holes 7 – 12 and three net scores for holes 13 – 18. Please record both gross scores and net scores for all players on your team and add up your team’s score for holes 1 – 6, 7 – 12, 13 – 18 and total 18 hole score.  Also, please remember to circle any “deuces” on your scorecard, repair any ball marks and divot holes and rake out any footprints in the bunkers.

Thank you and good luck to everyone!


Gringo Classic Information February 05, 2019

2019 Gringo Classic Canada and USA

Tuesday, February 26, 2019 Start time 10:00 am
Wednesday, February 27, 2019 Start time 10:00 am

Playing Format

Each team/country will have 26 players this year.

Tuesday Format: 2 man teams / 18 holes of Best Ball / 80% of league handicap applied to Tee box played.

Wednesday Format: 18 holes of singles match play / 100% of league handicap applied from tee box played.

Other Important Information

1. The $2000 peso entry fee covers the following:
• Golfer’s gift for playing,
• The Rib night (see # 4),
• The golfer’s and the spouse’s meal. (see # 6), and entertainment

2. The Gringo Classic Draft will be held at Ross Mitchell’s Bar and Grill (aka: Chasers), Monday, February 25th, starting at 5 PM. All players are welcome and will be
responsible for own food and drinks. Ross will give a discount.

3. There will be a Horse Race after the completion of play on Day 1. The cost is $200 peso per player. There will be 2 flights, with 1st and 2nd place paid in a 70 / 30 split.

4. After the Horse Race, “All you can eat Ribs” and drinks at Chasers. Cost is covered by your entry fee. Men Only

5. There will be 50/50 tickets sold again this year. Tickets will be 3 for 200 peso’s or 10 for 500 peso’s. Pot will be split 3 ways like last year.

6. After Day 2 (Wednesday), a meal will be hosted at the El Tigre Golf Club Restaurant. Meals for players guest’s that are not golfing will be $600 pesos per person. Drinks & wine
are 2 for 1.

7. Cocktails: 5:30 – 6:30 PM, Dinner 6:30 – 8:00 PM, Music and dancing 8 – 11 PM.

8. Golfers whose plans do not include attending the dinner, will be charged a $1200 peso entry fee.

9. Money will be collected on Monday, Friday skins days and Wednesday Men’s League. All money to be collected by February 20th, 2019.


Gringo Classic Organizing Committee

Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, February, 6th, 2019

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

The game for this upcoming Wednesday will be a four person team game where we will use one net score for all par 3’s, two net scores for all par 4’s and three net scores for all par 5’s. Please record both gross scores and net scores for all players on your team and add up your team’s score for each hole, the front nine, the back nine and total 18 hole score.  Also, please remember to circle any “deuces” on your scorecard, repair any ball marks and divot holes and rake out any footprints in the bunkers.

Thank you and good luck to everyone!


Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, January 30th, 2019

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

The game for this Wednesday will be a two person game in which each team will record one score (the best net score) for each hole. Please record both gross scores and net scores for all players on your two person team and add up your team’s score for each hole, the front nine, the back nine and total 18 hole score.  Also, please remember to circle any “deuces” on your scorecard, repair any ball marks and divot holes and rake out any footprints in the bunkers.

Thank you and good luck to everyone!


© 2016 El Tigre Leagues