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Mens Mixer League December 19, 2018

ElTigre Golfers,

A cool but pleasant day in Nuevo. The game for this week will be the 3-2-1 game. Teams will record their 3 best net balls on holes 1-6, their best net 2 balls on holes 7-12, and their best net ball on holes 13-18.

Larry Klaus will be collecting your 100 peso’s this week. Thank you Larry.

Pace of play may be somewhat longer than usual as we are including Match Play in the Wednesday play. If you max your shots allowable for handicap purpose, please pick up. Please try and keep up the pace of play, as it is more enjoyable for everyone.

Thank you all for keeping the course in good shape by filling in divots and repairing ball marks on the greens.

Also, Mens League will run through the holidays for those that want to play.

Until Wednesday,

El Capitan

Gringo Classic Sign Up

Hola ElTigre Mens League Members,

The sign up for the Gringo Classic to be held February 26, 27, 2019 is officially open.

Open your Calendar’s and go to February 26, 2019. Click on the appropriate box corresponding to your nationality. This box will be active until January 31, 2019. After January 31st we will fill teams (if needed) with guests of members.

The organizing committee will provide info on entry fee and the events surrounding the GC as soon as possible.

Please sign up early,to provide adequate time for planning events associated with the Gringo Classic.


Alan, Jeff, David, Myles

Men Mixer League December 12, 2018

Hello Everyone,

Not a cloud in the sky today. Congratulations to all the El Tigre winners and all the support given by El Tigre members to the Toys for Tots tournament.

The game for this week is: The 2 best net scores of the foursome.

Golf tee off time is 09:00 hours. Price is 100 pesos. The peso’s will be collected by Don Sorochan. Thank you Don.

Keep up pace of play. Fill your divots and others.


El Capitan

Updated Mens Mixer League Dec.5, 2018

Hello Everyone,

As I did not receive this by email, I will publish again.

Another beautiful day in Vallarta. We will be playing the Red flag, White flag, Blue flag game this week. 3 net scores on the red flag holes, 2 net scores on the white flag holes, and 1 net score on the blue flag holes.

Golf tee off time is 09:00 hours. Price is 100 pesos. The peso’s will be collected by Larry Klaus this week. Thank you Larry.

Record your players gross/net scores on the card, and keep the net total for each hole in one of the bottom rows. Please do not use the +/-format for recording scores, as this has be converted to a number after the round, and wastes a lot of time. Also, record all gross dueces made by circling the score on the card.

Keep pace of play, and use those sand bottles, especially between the exit points and the green (ie: take a bottle with you).

Until Wednesday…….

El Capitan

Mens Mixer League December 5, 2018

Hello Everyone,

Another beautiful day in Vallarta. We will be playing the Red flag, White flag, Blue flag game this week. 3 net scores on the red flag holes, 2 net scores on the white flag holes, and 1 net score on the blue flag holes.

Golf tee off time is 09:00 hours. Price is 100 pesos. The peso’s will be collected by Larry Klaus this week. Thank you Larry.

Record your players gross/net scores on the card, and keep the net total for each hole in one of the bottom rows. Please do not use the +/-format for recording scores, as this has be converted to a number after the round, and wastes a lot of time. Also, record all gross dueces made by circling the score on the card.

Keep pace of play, and use those sand bottles, especially between the exit points and the green (ie: take a bottle with you).

Until Wednesday…….

El Capitan

© 2016 El Tigre Leagues