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Mens Mixer League November 28, 2018

Hello Everyone,

Another beautiful day in Vallarta. We will be playing the Red flag, White flag, Blue flag game this week. 3 net scores on the red flag holes, 2 net scores on the white flag holes, and 1 net score on the blue flag holes.

Golf tee off time is 09:00 hours. Price is 100 pesos. The peso’s will be collected by Larry Klaus this week. Thank you Larry.

Record your players gross/net scores on the card, and keep the net total for each hole in one of the bottom rows. Please do not use the +/-format for recording scores, as this has be converted to a number after the round, and wastes a lot of time. Also, record all gross dueces made by circling the score on the card.

Keep pace of play, and use those sand bottles, especially between the exit points and the green (ie: take a bottle with you).

Until Wednesday…….

El Capitan

Mens Mixer League November 21, 2018

Hello Everyone,

The game for this week will be the 1,2,3 game. One net score will be recorded on Par 5’s, 2 net scores on Par 4’s, and 3 net scores recorded on Par 3’s. Golf tee off time is 09:00 hours. Price is 100 pesos.

Record your players gross/net scores on the card, and keep the net total for each hole in one of the bottom rows. Also, record all gross dueces made by circling the score on the card.

Keep pace of play, and use those sand bottles.

Note: I cannot remember who volunteered to collect peso. I will be their early anyways until the person identifies himself. (my bad)

Until Wednesday…….

El Capitan

Men’s League Mixer for November 14th, 2018

Welcome all El Tigre golfers,

The game for this Wednesday, November 14th will be a four person Team Stableford competition. Team Stableford is a point system format with each player gaining points for their net score on each hole. Net double eagles are worth 8 points, net eagles 5 points, net birdies 3 points, net pars 2 points and net bogeys 1 point. The team with the most points accumulated at the completion of 18 holes will be your winner.


Please record all gross/net scores on your scorecard for all team players. Also, for each hole include a team total based on the point system described above. Remember to also circle any gross deuces on your card for any player that recorded a gross birdie on any of the par 3’s or a gross eagle on any of the par 4’s.  Lastly, please remember to repair divot holes and ball marks and smooth footprints in bunkers.


Good luck to everyone. Have fun!


Mens League Mixer November 7, 2018

El Tigre Golfers,

Welcome back to El Tigre for another golf season. The opening game will be the Waltz. The Waltz is the 1,2,3 game: Record 1 low net score on hole #1, Record the 2 low net scores on hole #2, Record the 3 low net scores on hole #3, and then back to recording the 1 low net score on hole #4, and so on…… Golf tee off time is 09:00 hours.

Record your players gross/net scores on the card, and keep the net total for each hole underneath the bottom player on the card. Also, record all gross dueces made by circling the score on the card.

Please have a look at the Mens League introduction page found under the “Leagues” tab on the website. It has some rules and information. This will be modified as new golf rules are implemented.

Lets try to remember to pick up the Closest to the Pin markers on the Par 3’s. I think it works like this: The last foursome will pick up the markers on holes 2, 6, and 12. The 16A or 16B team will pick up the marker on the 15th green. The 18A or 18B team will pick up the marker on hole 17.

Until Wednesday…….

El Capitan

Mens League 2018-2019

Hola Golfers,

I happen to be in Nuevo at the present time taking care of my kitty cats. This allows me the opportunity to witness the spectacular thunder/rain/lightning storms. Mother nature provides entertainment for free.

I thought I would populate the Mens League Calendar for the upcoming season. You should now be able to login and check the Wednesday boxes in your own calendars for the dates you would like to play.

The course at this time of the year is very green and lush. The rains make the greens very receptive. Fairway grass is allowed to grow a bit higher than normal, otherwise it would be very muddy. The greens have just been deep punched for the final time before the regular playing season. It looks to be another great year.

On a personal note: I am migrating to Gmail. My new email is Please use this address rather than my old Yahoo address.

Have a great fall season, and will see you later

© 2016 El Tigre Leagues