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Mens League - 47. page

December 27, 2017 Men’s Mixer

ElTigre Golfers,

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. The money collected was given to the ladies at the front desk, the guys that clean our clubs and look after us, and the grounds crew that maintain the course. Thank you for your generosity.

The game for next week will be a 4 man team event net score recording 1 ball/par5, 2ball/par4, 3ball/par3.

Tim Kerslake will be accepting your peso’s this week. Thank you Tim.

Thanks for keeping the course in good shape by filling in divots and repairing ball marks on the greens.

The Gringo Classic has been finalized for February 15 – 16, 2018. If you are serious about playing, please check the box on Feb 15th in your Calendar, as soon as possible. The cut off is January 15, 2018 so we have time to organize the event. Just a note: A CAN/USA match could still happen (based on interest from my original email about the dates of the event). I think there is about 19 Canadians and 15 Americans. There has been some Americans members whom may have guests at the time of the event, which will help. We will narrow in on an accurate head count, moving forward.

Until Wednesday…….

El Capitan

Mens Mixer December 20, 2017

Ho Ho Ho ElTigre Golfers,

Another beautiful day in paradise. The game for next week will be the “Waltz”. The Waltz is the 1,2,3 game: Record 1 low net score on hole #1, Record the 2 low net scores on hole #2, Record the 3 low net scores on hole #3, and then back to recording the 1 low net score on hole #4, and so on……

Thanks for keeping the course in good shape by filling in divots and repairing ball marks on the greens.

Nice to see that folks are using the handicap system, and that the reminder email is working as it should. Thanks Gerard, Phil, Duane for their time working with the system.

The Gringo Classic has been finalized for February 15 – 16, 2018. Alan Bayliss and I will be posting on the Men’s League page to keep everyone as current as possible.

Until Wednesday…….

El Capitan

Men’s Mixer December 13th, 2017

Sitting on my patio looking at the mountains on a clear and beautiful Saturday morning in Nuevo. For those golfing in the Toys for Tots, looks like a beauty.

The game for next week will be the a 4 man team event (net) where we will count the 3BB on par 4’s, 2 BB on par 5’s, and 1BB on par 3’s. KP and DP as usual.

Rod Spence will be accepting your 100 peso contributions this week. Thank you Rod

Thank you all for keeping the course in good shape by filling in divots and repairing ball marks on the greens.

Until Wednesday,

El Capitan

Men’s Mixer December 6, 2017

A beautiful Saturday morning in Nuevo. I have entered my score’s into the handicap system as I hope all of you have also. The handicap system works on honesty, a fairness to your fellow golfer and friend. In league play golfers like to see a fair playing field, so please enter all your scores, whether they are a 68 or 108. Nobody is going to the PGA Tour, so what’s the big deal.

The game for next week will be the a 4 man Nassau team event (1-9, 10-18, Total) with the 2BB net counted on each hole. 1st and 2nd place payout for each section, KP’s and DP’s.

As I never asked for a volunteer for this week, I will gladly be accepting your 100 peso contributions.

Rules to abide by:
(1) Bunkers can be raked if machine grooves or footprints are evident. Plugged or fried eggs are played as is.

(2) Balls in the fairway can be lifted cleaned and replaced. This includes balls in the 2nd cut around the green. Balls in the rough are identified visually and played as is. The lie of the ball in the rough cannot be improved under any circumstance.

Thank you all for keeping the course in good shape by filling in divots and repairing ball marks on the greens.

Until Wednesday,

El Capitan

Mens Mixer November 22, 2017

ElTigre Golfers,

Well, here I am on a beautiful Friday evening, enjoying a nice cold cerveza, typing up this letter. Does it get any better than that.

The game for next week will be the 2 best balls of the foursome (net).

Wednesday will introduce a new entry fee of 100 peso for the event. The old system of 50 peso entry + 50 peso for deuce pot and KP will be no more.

Each 100 peso entry fee will be split 80% (80 peso) towards the game, 10% (10 peso) for the deuce pot, and 10% (10 peso) for the closest to the pin. The 80% or 80 peso will be split as follows: 35 peso for 1st place team, 25 peso for 2nd place team, 15 peso for the 3rd place team, and 10 peso for the 4th place team.

Thanks for keeping the course in good shape by filling in divots and repairing ball marks on the greens.

For those golfing in the Members tournament on Saturday, have a great time.

Until Wednesday,

El Capitan

© 2016 El Tigre Leagues