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Mens Mixer November 16, 2017

ElTigre Golfers,

We had a great turnout on Wednesday with 35 golfers. The game for next week will be the “Waltz” and will coincide with the return of Don Marshall. The Waltz is the 1,2,3 game: Record 1 low net score on hole #1, Record the 2 low net scores on hole #2, Record the 3 low net scores on hole #3, and then back to recording the 1 low net score on hole #4, and so on……

Thanks for keeping the course in good shape by filling in divots and repairing ball marks on the greens.

One sad item I have to report, and I hope this will be the last time I have to mention it.

The bill for the all the drinks after golf was $1916, with IVA included and no tip. The money collected was $1840. I contributed the rest and added a tip. Let’s go over a few things:

1. Beer and only beer only is a 2 for the price of 1 deal. If you choose to have only one beer you still pay the $52 + the IVA + a small amount for a tip. This was working out to people contributing $60.

2. Golfers who choose to drink water, soda, limonada, or anything else than beer, are responsible for finding out the cost of such beverage + IVA + a small tip and leaving this amount towards the bill.

3. One final word, 35 golfers x $60 = $2100. That is all that was needed.

Until Wednesday,

El Capitan

ElTigre Mens Mixer Wednesday November 8, 2017

ElTigre Golfers,

Thank you for the great turnout on Opening Day. It was very nice to see you all again. A few things I missed: (1) All play will be lift clean and replace in fairway, (2) Tee allocation is the same: Gold Tees – Rule of 83 (65 yrs age and 18 or greater hdcp) subtract 2 from your handicap, White Tees – no adjustment, Blue Tees – add 2 to your handicap.

Looking forward to a great year. Any comments that you may have, can be heard after the conclusion of play in the clubhouse. The Golf committee can then present these comments to Phil Woodrum.

Please help keep the course in good shape by fixing ball marks on the greens and filling all divots.

The game for next week will be a 4 man stableford (net). 1 point for bogies, 2 points for pars, 3 points for birdies, 4 points for albatross. Please use computer sign up, and if you need to cancel, please take the time to delete the day from your calendar. I realize that sometimes this is not possible, due to emergencies arising after the cut off for signing up.

HDCP list: Handicap Scores-1

Until Wednesday, may all your shots be true.

El Capitan

Final Mens Mixer Wednesday April 26, 2017


The game for this week will be the 2 man Blind Draw. Players will record their net score throughout the 18 holes. 2 man teams will be drawn from a hat in the clubhouse.

Thanks for coming out this year and supporting the Mixer. Will start meeting up again the 1st week in November. Have a great summer.

I will be accepting your 50 peso’s for this game, and the KP / Deuce Pot will be active for an additional 50 peso’s.

Keep up the good work of filling divots and repairing ball marks, the course is in great shape.

Please see the latest HDCP list attached.Handicap Scores (54)

Until Wednesday………….

El Capitan

Mens Mixer Wednesday April 19, 2017


The game for this week will be the Reverse Waltz. 3 best net score on Hole 1, 2 best net score on hole 2, 3 best net score on hole 3, and then it repeats for holes 4,5,and 6 and so on….. Payout will be based on each 9 holes and total 18 holes.

Yvan Harwood will be taking your 50 peso’s for this game, and the KP / Deuce Pot will be active for an additional 50 peso’s.

Keep up the good work of filling divots and repairing ball marks, the course is in great shape.

Please see the latest HDCP list attached.
Handicap Scores (53)

Until Wednesday………….

El Capitan

Mens Mixer Wednesday April 12, 2017


The Game for this week will be the 1-2-3 game with 1 net scores on Par 3’s, 2 net scores on Par 4’s, and 3 net score on Par 5’s. The 18 holes will be divided into 3 x 6 hole matches (holes 1-6, 7- 12, 13 – 18).

Michel St-Laurent will be kindly accepting your $50 peso contributions this week for the Mixer and $50 peso for the Closest to the Pin on Par 3’s / Duece pot,( a natural 2 on any hole ), if you are so inclined. Thank you Michel. The closest to the pin winners will receive 100 peso’s each, with the remainder of the 50 peso’s going to the Duece pot. If the Duece pot is not won, the peso’s will be carried over to next week.

Thanks to all the golfers for filling the fairway divots and repairing the ball marks on the greens. Keep up the good work as the golf course is being well used these days and can use all the help we can give it.

Please manage your Calendars so problems are not encountered on Wednesday mornings.

Attached are HDCP’sHandicap Scores (52)

Until Wednesday……

El Capitan

© 2016 El Tigre Leagues