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Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, November 6th, 2024

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

This Wednesday we will be playing a four-person “red-white-blue” team game, whereby all teams will need to record one best ball net score for all holes with “blue” pins, two best ball net scores for all holes with “white” pins and 3 best ball net scores for all holes with “red” pins. For scoring purposes, please record both gross and net scores for all players and provide team score summaries for the front nine, the back nine and the total 18 holes.

As of today, we have 43 players signed up to play this Wednesday.

Reminder: Please make sure that you repair all of your divots and that you also rake out from any bunker that you may have entered.

Good luck to all golfers!


Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, October 30th, 2024

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

This Wednesday we will be playing a four-person “walz” team game, whereby all teams will need to record one best ball net score on holes 1, two best ball net scores on hole 2, 3 best ball net scores on hole 3 and this pattern (1-2-3-1-2-3….) will continue for all of the remaining holes. For scoring purposes, please record both gross and net scores for all players and provide team score summaries for the front nine, the back nine and the total 18 holes.

As of today, we have 36 players signed up to play this Wednesday.

Reminder: Please make sure that you repair all of your divots and that you also rake out from any bunker that you may have entered.

Good luck to all golfers!


Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

It is great to finally start our 2024/2025 Men’s league golf season next Wednesday. I arrived yesterday and I played the course today and I was very impressed with the condition of the course.

Next Wednesday we be playing a four-person team game, whereby all teams will need to record one best ball net score on all Par 3’s, two best ball net scores on all Par 4’s and 3 best ball net scores on all Par 5’s. For scoring purposes, please record both gross and net scores for all players and provide team score summaries for the front nine, the back nine and the total 18 holes.

As a follow up to my last post, I have received several suggestions from our members concerning new games that they would like to see be added to our current inventory of games. I will most certainly be looking to add these games during the course of the season, and I would also continue to encourage any member to provide me with any other new games that they would like to see be included in our weekly Men’s league events.

Reminder: Please make sure that you repair all of your divots and that you also rake out from any bunker that you may have entered.

Good luck to all golfers!




Gringo Classic 2025 – Short message / Breve mensaje

Short message regarding the Gringo Classic 2025.

25-26 February 2025.

-This year we are limited to 48 players, 24 players per team.

-During registration you’ll choose either gold or white tees boxes that you prefer to play. Twelve spots per team. We highly recommend registering early for your preferred tee box.

-Registration starts for MEMBERS on Wednesday the 13 November -31 December 2024.

-Registration for GUESTS if spots are available 1-31 January 2025. Obviously during this time period Members can register as well.

-We’ll create a waiting list if required.

Full payment will be required at the time of registration.

-More To Follow

Looking forward seeing everyone. Also, we want to wish everyone a Happy upcoming Canadian 🇨🇦 Thanksgiving Holiday weekend.


Breve mensaje sobre el Gringo Classic 2025.

25-26 de febrero de 2025.

-Este año estamos limitados a 48 jugadores, 24 jugadores por equipo.

-Durante la inscripción, elegirás los tees dorados o blancos en los que prefieras jugar. Doce lugares por equipo. Le recomendamos encarecidamente que se registre con anticipación para su tee de salida preferido.

-La inscripción para MIEMBROS comienza el miércoles 13 de noviembre al 31 de diciembre de 2024.

Inscripción para INVITADOS si hay plazas disponibles del 1 al 31 de enero de 2025. Obviamente, durante este período, los miembros también pueden inscribirse.

-Crearemos una lista de espera si es necesario.

Se requerirá el pago total al momento de la inscripción.

-Más información próximamente.

Esperamos verlos a todos. También queremos desearles a todos un feliz fin de semana de Acción de Gracias canadiense 🇨🇦.

Allan Bayliss & Charles King

Men’s League Update – Saturday, October 12th, 2024

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

We are now less than two weeks away from the start of the 2024/2025 Men’s League golf season.

As mentioned in my previous post, the first official start date of the Men’s season is Wednesday, November 6th. Steve Johnson has also graciously agreed to reserve additional tee times for Men’s League play for the last two Wednesdays in October (October 23rd and October 30th). Per the new golf league registration/sign up rules now in effect, all members are now provided with a rolling four-week window for signing up to play for the weekly Wednesday Men’s League golf events. To follow is a summary covering the first four weeks of Men’s League play:

  • October 23rd – Calendar registration sign up began at 5:00 PM Vallarta time on September 25th and effective today we have 24 players signed up,
  • October 30th – Calendar registration sign up began at 5:00 PM Vallarta time on October 2nd and effective today we have 26 players signed up,
  • November 6th – Calendar registration sign up began at 5:00 PM Vallarta time on October 9th and effective today we have 25 players signed up,
  • November 13th – Calendar registration sign up begins at 5:00 PM Vallarta time on October 16th and the same pattern will be in effect for all future dates

As in the past, I will send out a post to all players the weekend before each Wednesday’s golf league event, summarizing the game and format that we will be using that week. Please know that we are always looking to add new games and/or new formats to the weekly golf events that we play during the course of our 6-month season. I would welcome any suggestions that you might have as it pertains to the inclusion of any new game/format that you have found interesting and enjoyable that we could add to our current list of games. You can either reply to this post with your ideas or send me an email at

Looking forward to another great season of Men’s League golf.


© 2016 El Tigre Leagues