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Mens Mixer March 1st, 2017

Hola Golfers,

The Game for this week will be the 3-2-1 game with 3 net scores on Par 3’s, 2 net scores on Par 4’s, and 1 net score on Par 5’s. The 18 holes will be divided into 3 x 6 hole matches (holes 1-6, 7- 12, 13 – 18).

Jim von Gremp will be kindly accepting your $50 peso contributions this week for the Mixer and $50 peso for the Closest to the Pin on Par 3’s / Duece pot,( a natural 2 on any hole ), if you are so inclined. Thank you Jim. The closest to the pin winners will receive 100 peso’s each, with the remainder of the 50 peso’s going to the Duece pot. If the Duece pot is not won, the peso’s will be carried over to next week.

Thanks to all the golfers for filling the fairway divots and repairing the ball marks on the greens. Keep up the good work as the golf course is being well used these days and can use all the help we can give it.

Please manage your Calendars so problems are not encountered on Wednesday mornings.

HDCP’s attachedHandicap Scores (46)

Remember the meeting at Chasers after golf on Wednesday to discuss the CAN-AM CUP taking place Thursday / Friday.

Until Wednesday………

El Capitan

Men’s Mixer February 22, 2017

Hola ElTigre Golfers,

I have been asked to have a Stableford game for Wednesday. The game will be a 4 man team format where a net bogey is 1 point, a net par is 2 points, a net birdie is 3 points, and a net eagle is 4 points. The 18 holes will be divided into the 3 x 6 hole matches (ie. 1-6, 7-12, 13-18 holes).

Jack Gindi will be kindly accepting your $50 peso contributions this week for the Mixer and $50 peso for the Closest to the Pin pot, if you are so inclined. Thank you Jack.

Thanks to all the golfers for filling the fairway divots and repairing the ball marks on the greens. Keep up the good work as the golf course is being well used these days and can use all the help we can give it.

Please manage your Calendars so problems are not encountered on Wednesday mornings. HDCP attached.Handicap Scores (44)

Until Wednesday……

El Capitan

Mens Mixer February 15,2017

Hola ElTigre Golfers,

The game for this Wednesday will be a 4 man team format where the best 2 net balls of the team are recorded. The round will consist of 3 six hole matches. Hopefully this will give more opportunity for people to win some peso’s.

Garnet Plant will be kindly accepting your $50 peso contributions this week. Thank you Garnet

Also, for those inclined, there will be a pot set up for closest to the pin on the Par 3’s. It will cost $50 peso’s per person.

Thanks to all the golfers for filling the fairway divots and repairing the ball marks on the greens. Keep up the good work as the golf course is being well used these days and can use all the help we can give it.

Please check the General Comments page over the weekend for interest in a Ryder Cup format.

HDCP’s Xcell sheet is attached below.

Until Wednesday……..

El Capitan

Handicap Scores (43)

Wednesday February 8, 2017 Men’s Mixer

Hola, El Tigre Golfers,

The game for this Wednesday will be a 4 man team format (net) which is called Red Flag, White Flag, Blue Flag. The 1 best net score is recorded for the Red Flag, 2 best net score for White Flag, and 3 best net score for Blue Flag.

Tim Steele will be kindly accepting your $50 peso contributions this week. Thank you Tim.

Thanks to all the golfers for filling the fairway divots and repairing the ball marks on the greens. Keep up the good work as the golf course is being well used these days and can use all the help we can give it.

Mucho Gracias for the majority of golfers managing their Calendars. Some still are having memory problems (saving the month) for Wednesdays.

See attached HDCP’s.Handicap Scores (41)

Until Wednesday……..

El Capitan

Mens Mixer Wednesday February 1, 2017

Hola, El Tigre Golfers,

The game for this Wednesday will be a 4 man team format (net) which is played as follows: The 3 best net scores of the team are recorded on holes 1-6, the 2 best net scores of the team are recorded on holes 7-12, and the 1 best score of the team is recorded on holes 13-18.

Larry Klaus will be kindly accepting your $50 peso contributions this week. Thank you Larry.

Thanks to all the golfers for filling the fairway divots and repairing the ball marks on the greens. Keep up the good work as the golf course is being well used these days and can use all the help we can give it.

Mucho Gracias for managing your Calendars.

Phil is away so the latest HDCP’s will be posted as usual at the starter shack.

Until Wednesday……..

El Capitan

© 2016 El Tigre Leagues