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Wednesday Mens Mixer December 21, 2016


Thank you for your kind donations for the golf staff that take care of our needs. I am sure their families will appreciate this gesture.

The game for this week will be the “Christmas Waltz” which is also called 1-2-3. 4 man teams net score. So, starting at hole No. 1 – one best score is recorded. Hole No.2 – the best 2 scores are recorded. Hole No.3 – the best 3 scores are recorded. This process then repeats itself around the course.

I will gladly accept your $50 peso contributions this week.

I asked Phil if he wanted us golfers to remove the broad leaf grass we find on some of the greens. This is Phil’s reply:

You can remove them, but if you do not get the roots it will continue. This is actually a form of bent grass and populates down here when the bermuda starts going dormat. Because of the cooler temps, the bermuda leaves ´´holes´´ in which this can come up in. This problem will not go away for another 2 to 3 years in our program of progression.

So, I leave it to you, if the broad leaf annoys you, then carefully remove them. The broad leaf grass is well rooted, so try not to make a mess of the green. Be aware, that the brown spot of soil that is left after the broad leaf is removed will probably take some time to fill in, so try not to disturb the area around the pin (2-3 yard radius). I am sure that Phil will be monitoring this, and if he feels that we are doing more damage than good, he will ask us to stop.

As always, thanks for taking care of the course by filling divots & repairing ball marks. See you Wednesday.


El Capitan

Mens League December 14th, 2016

In honour of the “Association of the Blind”, the game for this week will be the 4 man Blind Draw. Golfers will record their best net score and the 4 man team will be drawn from a hat after the game. Thanks to all golfers for keeping the course in great shape, keep filling those divots and repairing ball marks on the greens.

The Wednesday mixer will continue for the month of December for all that are here. I once again remind people to “Click on the Save button at the bottom of your calendar”, after making changes. If you do not receive a Pop Up box that lets you know your month has been saved, your changes will not happen.

Also, do not wait until the last minute to sign up for the League you would like to play in. The time zone for the cut off is based on Canadian Eastern time. I would not recommend signing up for Mens League after 12 PM on the Tuesday, even this might be too late as I have not tried it.

Lastly, the Christmas party for the starters, maintenance, and inside golf staff, will be held at Chasers ( Thanks Andy) on Thursday, December 15th. Donations towards this annual event will gladly be accepted after golf on Wednesday.

Until Wednesday……….

El Capitan

Mens League Wednesday Nov 7th

ElTigre Mens League golfers,

The game for next week will be a 4 man team format where the best net shot is recorded on holes 1 thru 6, and then the 2 best net shots are recorded on holes 7 thru 12, and the 3 best shots are recorded on holes 13 thru 18. I will be there to gladly accept your $50 peso donation.

Remember to always save the month at the bottom of “your calendar” if you are making changes to your calendar ( it will post a box that informs you that your changes have been saved), otherwise, you will not be on the signup sheet, and that always causes problems.

We will table a question on Wednesday: ” Do we want to golf all the Wednesdays in December (ie: 21st and 28th), since Christmas and New Years Eve fall on the Sunday and Saturday”. Think about it and we hash it over on Wednesday. Also we should decide on when to have the Christmas get together for the Golf Staff

Thanks for keeping the fairways and greens in good condition. Until Wednesday……

El Capitan

Mens League Wednesday November 30, 2016


The game for this week will be a 2 man Nassau (net), which is your one best net score on holes 1-9, holes 10-18, and the total 18 holes. Teams can only win one of the 3 matches. Teams will be generated by the computer as usual, players 1-2 will be a team, players 3-4 a team, and so on. Thanks for keeping the greens in great shape, and filling in a lot of the divots (also your own) left from the more inconsiderate and uneducated people. Can you tell it pees me off a bit. Pace of play can always be improved for the enjoyment of all.

Dave Punt will accept your 50 Pesos this week. Thanks Dave. See you all Wednesday,

El Capitan

Wednesday Mens League November 23rd

The game for Wednesday is a 4 man team event. Scoring is as follows: 1 net score recorded on Par 5’s, 2 net scores recorded on Par 4’s, and 3 net scores recorded on Par 3’s. Jim Neve will be accepting your Peso’s on Wednesday AM. Thank you Jim.

Phil and the golf course maintenance crews have done an excellent job in preparing the course for play, and, thank you to all Men’s League golfers for keeping the fairways and greens in excellent condition.

Don’t forget to sign up for the Members Tournament on Saturday, November 19th. The cost is $200 peso per person.

Also, if you are going to be around when the NCAA Women are golfing, think about volunteering, as Phil could use your assistance.

That’s it until next time.

El Capitan

© 2016 El Tigre Leagues