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2024 Gringo Classic

Hola Gringo Golfers;

All the final changes have been made and the teams are set, barring any last minute cancellations.

Date and Time reminders

Welcome reception, registration and draft at Vallarta Beer Gardens (previously known as “Chasers”) Monday 5 pm appies and beer provided.

Day 1 Tuesday
4 ball match play competition; Registration desk opens at 7:30 am, please be ready to in your assigned carts by 8:45, Shot Gun start at 9 am
Lunch and beer served after the round, optional horse race at 4 pm.

Day 2 Wednesday
Individual match play competition: Please be in your assigned carts by 8:45, Shot Gun start at 9 am
Final scoring and winner presentation to follow.

We will have as well a optional 50/50 draw tickets will be available on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Draw to be made at the winning team presentation.

We will also have an optional KP entry which will be flighted between white and gold division holes 2,12, and 15 for white division, holes 6, and 17 for gold division both days. Entry will be 100 pesos prizes to be awarded after Wednesdays round. All funds for both 50/50 and kps go towards expenses for Monday reception.

Optional horse race entry fee 200 pesos, all money paid back to the winners 50% first place 30% 2nd place 20% 3rd place


Alan Bayliss

Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, February 21st, 2024

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

This Wednesday we will be playing a four-person game where each team will only need to record one best ball net score for all Par 3 holes, two best ball net scores for all Par 4 holes and three best ball net scores for all Par 5 holes. Please provide gross and net scores for all players on your team and also provide team summary scores for the front nine, the back nine and the total 18-hole score. Also, please circle all gross deuces (2’s) on your scorecard and remember to repair all divots and rake out any bunkers.

We will be starting our weekly Wednesday Men’s League golf events promptly at 8:50 AM, so please plan on getting to the golf course early enough to allow yourself sufficient time to complete your practice/warm up by that time.

Good luck to all players!


2024 Gringo Classic

The draw was complete today for the early bird for the 2 day passes for the Mexican Open

Congratulations to Ron Gorsche.

Ron please see Ross McDonald to claim your tickets and enjoy the tournament.


Alan Bayliss

Correction to Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, February 14th, 2024

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

This Wednesday we will be playing a four-person team game where each team will only need to record one best ball net score for all holes with red pins, two best ball net scores for all holes with white pins and three best ball net scores for all holes with blue pins. Please provide gross and net scores for all players on your team and also provide team summary scores for the front nine, the back nine and the total 18-hole score. Also, please circle all gross deuces (2’s) on your scorecard and remember to repair all divots and rake out any bunkers.

We will be starting our weekly Wednesday Men’s League golf events promptly at 8:50 AM, so please plan on getting to the golf course early enough to allow yourself sufficient time to complete your practice/warm up by that time.

Good luck to all players!


Men’s Mixer – Wednesday, February 14th, 2024

Hola El Tigre Golfers,

This Wednesday we will be playing a four-person Nassau games where each team will only need to record one best ball net score for all holes with red pins, two best ball net scores for all holes with white pins and three best ball net scores for all holes with blue pins. Please provide gross and net scores for all players on your team and also provide team summary scores for the front nine, the back nine and the total 18-hole score. Also, please circle all gross deuces (2’s) on your scorecard and remember to repair all divots and rake out any bunkers.

We will be starting our weekly Wednesday Men’s League golf events promptly at 8:50 AM, so please plan on getting to the golf course early enough to allow yourself sufficient time to complete your practice/warm up by that time.

Good luck to all players!


© 2016 El Tigre Leagues