Womens League
Ladies League – Friday, March 7, 2025
This Friday we will play using the Stableford format wherein all players will need to record 1 BBN per hole & assign points based on the Stableford scoring format. Each team players will be assigned to a team & all points for each team will be added together to equal one final score. Team with the most points, wins! Final number of teams & team members will be determined by the number of ladies registered for play. Rules sheet will be provided on the day. Cost is $100 pesos & correct changes is always appreciated.
Our resident Pro, Hector will be providing his weekly golf tip @ 8:40 a.m. This will be followed by the names of your cart mates & starting hole number. SHOTGUN START @ 9:00 A.M SHARP.
If you are currently registered to play for the date in question & circumstances change wherein you cannot play, you MUST REMOVE yourself from the “Calendar” BEFORE THURSDAY MARCH 6th 8:00 a.m. This is the weekly cut-off period for the 2024-2025 Ladies League Season. NO CHANGES are permitted after this time. This will also greatly assist those of us who organize the weekly games.
Rosalie Barnes
Ladies League Calendar Opens
Ladies League – Friday, February 28, 2025
This Friday will be 4-Lady Teams and the format will be RED, WHITE & BLUE. All teams to record 1 BBN for holes with “Red” pins, 2 BBN for all holes with “White” pins & 3 BBN for all holes with “Blue” pins. Rules & any other information deemed necessary will be provided on the day. Cost is $100 pesos and correct change is greatly appreciated.
For interested in improving their game, our resident Pro, Hector will be provide is golf tip at 8:40 a.m.
NOTE: We have a large number of players currently registered & you must pay your registration fee upon arrival prior to finding your cart & getting ready for the game. We must be on our hole assignment no later than 8:55 a.m.
If you are currently registered to play & circumstances change, you must REMOVE yourself from the Calendar before Thursday, February 27th @ 8:00 a.m. This is the cut-off and NO CHANGES are permitted after this time. This will also greatly assist those of us who organize the weekly games.
Rosalie Barnes