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Womens League - 30. page


Open to Everyone . . . . Ladies, Men, Visitors
Lisa and I are avid game players: cards, boardgames, horse race etc. and decided to have a regular games day.  We also want to support the later closure time at the golf club so will be set up in the upper far corner where there is lots of space to spread out if needed.  4:00pm is game time !  
This Monday, we will play Chase the Ace, a fast-paced, super-easy and fun game!  Below is a description.  Buy-in will be only 20 pesos, you will get 4 chips to use as your “lives.”  Come on out and join the fun 🙂
PS:  Pass this on – the more the merrier!

Charli  & Lisa


The Chase the Ace card game also known as Screw Your Neighbor or Cuckoo is a very interesting game that can be played with a group of people. All you need is a standard 52 card deck.

Set Up: The dealer shuffles the cards and deals 1 card face down to all players on the field, that’s it, just 1.
Each player starts with a set number of lives, usually 3 or 4. Your objective to not be the one stuck with the lowest card. Cards go in this order from lowest to highest A,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,J,Q,K, Yes Aces are the lowest. 
Play Chase the Ace: The dealer goes last. The person to the left of the dealer starts and it goes around clockwise until it gets to the dealer. 
When it is your turn you look at your card and can choose 1 of 2 options, you can either choose to keep your card, or you can choose to exchange your card with the person on the left of you.
In which case the person to the left of you has to trade cards with you, unless they have a King. If they have a King they have to show everyone and get to keep their card, and you are stuck with yours. 
This goes around the table until it gets to the dealer. When it is the dealers turn they can choose to keep their card or exchange it with one from the deck. If they exchange it with one from the deck and they draw a King they must return the king and keep their first card. 

Losing a life: When everyone has gone the person with the lowest card loses a life if multiple people have the lowest card they all lose a life. 
How to Win: Once you lose 3 lives you have lost and no longer get cards. You keep playing until everyone but 1 person has lost all 3 of their lives. That person is the winner. 
If the last people lose their last life during the same round you do a rematch between them. 

Final Thoughts: This is a great game not only for families, but also for those times when you have a group of friends over for some cards. The hands are quick and there’s a lot of fun to be had in stealing the cards of your friends. Bluffing is also important as you want the person to your right to think that your card is horrible so they won’t steal yours!

Ladies League – January 10, 2020

Hello Ladies:

This will be our first game with the new handicap system. We will not be using our handicaps for the this game but we will explain to you how to calculate your max score under the new system before the round.

The game this week is Fairways and Greens.  Handicaps are not used to score the game.

Each player will get 5 points for hitting the fairway off the tee. You only get 2 points if you are not in the fairway. Then subtract your total putts for the hole and that is your score. On par 3’s you get 5 points if you are in the fairway in front of the hole or if you are on the green.

Keep your regular score and also keep your points per hole.


On hole #1 you hit the fairway and have 2 putts;  you get 3 points.On hole #2 you miss the fairway and green and have 3 putts – you get -1 point. 

The skills this week will be KP on # 2 and #17, longest putt on #13 and we will have a draw for a “booby prize” for everyone that goes in the water on #6.

You must sign up in the system before Wednesday at midnight.
Remember to “SAVE” your calendar – that option is at the bottom of the page. Vivian Heistad will be the emergency contact for any changes after Wednesday at midnight.

Looking forward to seeing you all on Friday.

Carole, Francine, Janet, Mary Lou and Vivian

Wine and Tees – an afternoon clinic and social for ladies!

Tuesday, January 14th 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm

The Lady’s League Committee has arranged for an afternoon clinic and social with Hector and Steve. Half of the ladies will work on the range with Hector and the other half will do a putting clinic on the practice green with Steve. After 45 minutes we will switch.

This event is open to all lady members not just ladies that play with the league on Friday’s. If you know someone who might enjoy it, please bring them along!

The cost will be 500 pesos for the clinic, appetizers and one drink each. Please email Mary Lou Plant at to register. Payment will be collected in the club house at the time of check in.

We hope that you can join us!

Your league committee; Carole, Francine, Janet, Mary Lou and Vivian

Ladies League January 3/2020

The format will be a 4 lady team this week. The game will be a Reverse Waltz counting 3 low nets on #1, 2 low nets on #2 and 1 low net on #3 and so on. Skills will be deuces and chip ins (left over from last week), Closest Chip to the pin on #10, KP in 3 strokes on #3 and KP on #17.

You must sign up in the system before Wednesday at midnight.
Remember to “SAVE” your calendar – that option is at the bottom of the page. Vivian Heistad will be the emergency contact for any changes after Wednesday at midnight.

Please note that the ringer board is now full!

We will have the 50/50 draw again this week. Tickets will be 20 pesos and 3 tickets will be 50 pesos.

Looking forward to seeing you all on Friday.

Carole, Francine, Janet, Mary Lou and Vivian

Ladies League “Naughty and Nice” Golf Game

The Naughty “Elf on the Shelf” has messed with our golf game for Friday. He has decided that there will be a surprise on each of the Par 3’s.

The game is “Naughty and Nice” and we will be 4 lady teams
We’re not sure what the Elf has is mind for the Par 3’s but you can be sure he will be Naughty!
We will count 2 LOW nets on all other holes; that’s Nice
Social golfers are welcome! The more the merrier😊
Feel free to dress festively.
Following golf we will have lunch ordered from the regular menu.

We will also have Re-Gift Exchange – all gifts must be wrapped and gently used for example; a book, a scarf, a kitchen utensil – use your imagination and have fun!

The cost of the game will be 50 pesos, Skills will be 20 pesos We will have the usual happy hour for drinks and each lady will have her own bill for lunch.

You must sign up in the system before Wednesday at midnight.
Remember to “SAVE” your calendar – that option is at the bottom of the page. Vivien Heistad will be the emergency contact for any changes after Wednesday at midnight.

If you haven’t signed up for the ringer board yet this year; the fee is 100 pesos. Please see Vivian for details.

Don’t forget we are having the 50/50 draw each week. Tickets will be 20 pesos and 3 tickets will be 50 pesos.

Looking forward to seeing you all on Friday.

Carole, Francine, Janet, Mary-Lou & Vivian

© 2016 El Tigre Leagues