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Ladies League Holiday Golf

Please join us Friday, December 20th for a Holiday Season

Ladies Golf Day and Lunchsign up today!

The game is “Naughty and Nice”

We will be 4 lady teams and will count 1 HIGH net on all par 3’s = Naughty . We will count 2 LOW nets on all other holes = Nice Social golfers are welcome! The more the merrier😊 Feel free to dress festively. Following golf we will have lunch ordered from the regular menu. We will have the usual happy hour for drinks.

We will also have Re-Gift Exchange – all gifts must be gently used; for example; a book, a scarf, a kitchen utensil – use your imagination and have fun!

Ladies League – December 13

Hola Chicas,

This Friday will be a singles competition.  There will be  3 flights determined by your handicaps.  Each flight will play for Low Gross and Low Net with a runner up for each event.  

As it is Friday the 13th, we are including some “bad luck” skills.  If you go in the water on #6 you are asked to write your name on the sign and also in the sand on #14 same thing!!  A name will be drawn for each of these to determine the winner. We will have a Longest Drive for each flight on #10 and a Closest Chip on #4.  

The game is 50 pesos and the skills are 20 pesos. Please have correct change.

The game starts at 9:00 am so please be ready to go in your cart at 8:45 am

You must sign up in the system before Wednesday at midnight.
Remember to “SAVE” your calendar – that option is at the bottom of the page. Vivien Heistad will be the emergency contact for any changes after Wednesday at midnight.

If you haven’t signed up for the ringer board  yet this year; the fee is 100 pesos. Please see Vivian for details.

Don’t forget we are having the 50/50 draw each week. Tickets will be 20 pesos and 3 tickets will be 50 pesos.

Looking forward to seeing you all on Friday.

Carole, Francine, Janet, Mary-Lou & Vivian

Women’s League December 6, 2019

Hello Ladies,

The game for this week will 4 lady teams and we will count one low net on the red flags, 2 low nets on the white flags and 3 low nets on the blue flags.

For the skills we will play for KP’s and the longest the putt.

The game is 50 pesos and the skills are 20 pesos. Please have correct change.

The game starts at 9:00 am so please be ready to go in your cart at 8:45 am

You must sign up in the system before Wednesday at midnight.
Remember to “SAVE” your calendar – that option is at the bottom of the page. Vivien Heistad will be the emergency contact for any changes after Wednesday at midnight.

If you haven’t signed up for the ringer board  yet this year; the fee is 100 pesos. Please see Vivian for details.

Don’t forget we are having the 50/50 draw each week. Tickets will be 20 pesos and 3 tickets will be 50 pesos.

Looking forward to seeing you all on Friday.

Carole, Francine, Janet, Mary-Lou & Vivian

Women’s league

Hello Ladies,

The game for this week will be 2 lady teams. You will  score one best ball of your 2 lady team on the odd holes only; so only 9 holes will count for the game score.

The skills will be longest putt on the 13, KP on 6 and KP on number 17.

The game is 50 pesos and the skills are 20 pesos. Please have correct change.

The game starts at 9:00 am so please be ready to go in your cart at 8:45 am

You must sign up in the system before Wednesday at midnight.
Remember to “SAVE” your calendar – that option is at the bottom of the page.
Mary Lou Plant will be the emergency contact for any changes after Wednesday at midnight.

If you haven’t signed up for the ringer board  yet this year; the fee is 100 pesos. Please see Vivian for details.

Don’t forget we are having the 50/50 draw each week. Tickets will be 20 pesos and 3 tickets will be 50 pesos.

Looking forward to seeing you all on Friday.

Carole, Francine, Janet, Mary-Lou & Vivian

women’s league

Hello Ladies,

This Friday is out first official Ladies Day of the season. Please read carefully as there a number of announcements this week.

You must sign up in the system before Wednesday at midnight.
Remember to “SAVE” your calendar – that option is at the bottom of the page.

This week will play a 4 lady team, counting 2 low nets per team.
The teams will be created through the random draw using the league sign up online.

The game is 50 pesos and the skills are 20 pesos.

Game starts at 9:00 am so please be ready to go in your cart at 8:45 am

We are going to have a ringer board again this year. The fee is 100 pesos and we will start this week but you can start any week throughout the season.
For those of you who are not sure what this is we will explain after golf on Friday.

We are also going to introduce a 50/50 draw each week. The idea is that we will raise some money for the committee to use for our special events and closing tournament.
1 ticket will be 20 pesos and 3 tickets will be 50 pesos.

Looking forward to seeing you all on Friday.

Carole, Francine, Janet, Mary-Lou & Vivian

© 2016 El Tigre Leagues